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Family & Homeschool Rules & Mission Stmts

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Was wondering if you have a homeschool mission, vision, purpose statement and if so are you willing to share it?


Also, I am looking for a list of family rules. Not, for example, put the toilet seat down, but rather higher level rules of respect and common purpose. Hope this makes sense.




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Our biggest rule right now is "if you see a need, fill it." For example:




  • One is not allowed to walk past puppy pee. Clean it up.
  • One is not allowed to go hungry when one knows I'm up to my eyeballs on a project. Prepare a meal for the whole family.
  • One is not allowed to let the laundry basket sit on the bedroom floor - put the clothes away.


There is no mission statement for the family.

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I have a life purpose statement that covers many aspects of my life. With regards to how I spend my time it starts, "My major purpose is to give my children an excellent education..."


I originally had something like, "to direct my child's character towards success in life," which I liked because it encompassed more than just academics, but I found it was too ambiguous to help me makes changes I needed to make.


We don't really have any rules about behavior, we've just always talked about everything. About being responsible for our own actions, not using another's behavior as an excuse for our behavior, that kind of thing. When my son got a crush on a girl this summer, I asked him to pay attention to how she treated her friends, because that was how she would later treat her boyfriend, and later still her husband (if she doesn't change before then). My son's only 13. The discussion wasn't because I thought this girl might become his wife, but because we've always talked about the big stuff, the bigger picture.


If we were to have a motto, it would probably be this which we have over our front door:


Every decision you make

~ every decision ~

is not a decision about

what to do.

It's a decision about

Who You Are.


It's only on paper now. I hope someday to have it painted or carved into wood.

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