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already halfway through FLL2, go right into FLL3 or wait?


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So last year, first grade we got up to FLL1/2 lesson #150. That's 1/2way through gr. 2. We do it 3-4 times a week, depending on what the lesson is and how much writing. I try to spread the writing out so he's not doing too much in one day.

Frankly, we found it very simple, and he's got the definitions of words memorized very easily. We will continue through to the end, but at this rate will finish probably by Christmas.


My question is should we go straight into FLL3? The problem is that we do take a long summer break and I'm not sure if I like the idea of having a huge gap in the middle...:confused:


Is there a big jump in skills needed to tackle level 3? Is there something I could use to fill in between levels...I'm not opposed to some workbook kind of things (circle the noun, etc.) and perhaps by February I'll be needing something like that?

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Is there a big jump in skills needed to tackle level 3?


The short answer is "no". All the major topics in FLL 1/2 are reviewed again in 3. In fact, FLL 3 is so repetitive of 1/2 that I didn't end up using it with my DD.


What about using The Sentence Family and "living" books such as those by Ruth Heller and Brian P. Cleary?

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