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I need a book about pre-menopause...

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I've read a bunch of books about menopause. I liked Menopausal years : the wise woman way by Susun Weed because she lays out all your options for you from least invasive to most invasive. She's a total herbal woman, and that bias is obvious. Still, I found it the most comforting book in that I got the distinct message that menopause is normal and you don't really have to "do" anything about it if you don't want to.


Another book that I don't know if I like, but I keep coming back to is The wisdom of menopause by Christiane Northrup. She's an MD. I've picked this up several times in the last 2 years, but have never actually read the entire thing yet. I find it depressing. Yet, I borrowed it from the library again last week and actually read from page 1 chapter 1 paragraph 1 to dh to clue him in on what's going on with me. She treats menopause as a problem to be solved and offers solutions. I definitely get the impression that I have to "fix" it. And yet, I find that some of what goes on with me must be addressed. I don't know if that makes sense or not.


The pp mentioned John Lee's book. Yes, it pushes progesterone cream. Read it, liked it, tried it. Eh. As Susun Weed says, the word progesterone comes from the Latin pro (for) and gestation (pregnancy). Going through menopause means that you won't be getting pregnant, so why try to convince your body otherwise?

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