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What do you consider "A Beautiful Life"?

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I've been spending a little time each day really visualizing what I want my life to be.


I'm now trying to put the image into words, but it is difficult for me.


I know that it includes good mental and physical health and a servant's heart, as well as the absence of conflict and chaos.


If you had the freedom to choose anything at all, what would your ideal life look like?

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I am always stopping to feel gratitude for health. I think that is my biggest issue...I don't think i worry a lot about it (Ok, maybe I do sometimes), but i stop often to let that gratitude sink in. My sister had a child with cancer (ok now) and my SIL lost her beloved dh (he was a like a father to me) to illness and a botched surgery. My FIL died a slow and painful death. My own father is ill. One of my SILs died at 42 of breast cancer.


Health is something that I find beautiful and sometimes fleeting.

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This may be kind of corny but -


I love my life the way it is now. I'm living the perfect life.


Sure there are little things I'd change, but they're all truly little. Like my bathroom isn't finished. I need some serious landscaping done. One of my dogs is a brat. I could be thinner & have more patience. I wouldn't complain if someone made a substantial deposit in my savings account. I want to finish the darned book & have someone want to publish it. But those are all little things.


Mostly, every day I say - I just want another day like this, please.

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Mostly, every day I say - I just want another day like this, please.


This just makes me smile big time! :D :D :D


My life is good. Very, very good. And in the moments when I think it isn't so hot, I remind myself of how good I really do have it.


My ideal life is filled with feelings of peace, joy, contentment, love, happiness, silliness, laughter, and more love. Then add in enough contrast to remind me of how much I appreciate all that other wonderful stuff. These are all feelings I have access to each and every day, and for that I'm truly grateful. :D

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:blush: I have a beautiful life.


Dh and I are still very :001_wub: much in love, after 17 years together. We don't make a ton of money, but enough that we are comfortable. We have a business that allows us to spend a lot of time together as a family.


It's hard for me to think what could make things much better, other than health. LibraryLover, I'm sorry for all of the health hardships your family has endured :grouphug:! Dh and I have both had parents diagnosed with cancer this year. Thankfully, they were both caught early and are very treatable.


I'm a lucky gal.

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My ideal life is filled with feelings of peace, joy, contentment, love, happiness, silliness, laughter, and more love. Then add in enough contrast to remind me of how much I appreciate all that other wonderful stuff. These are all feelings I have access to each and every day, and for that I'm truly grateful. :D




This summer has been utter chaos with so many trips, events, day camps and swim lessons that I need a summer vacation from my summer vacation! It has just reminded me of how nice it was during the school year to just be home. I like being home with my family and not rushing around.


If I were to pick a family I would like my family to emulate, it would be what I see of the Duggars on TV. Not their family size, but how their family just loves eachother, everyone pitches in, they love God, they love to play together and have fun together. Every outing is an adventure and an educational opportunity. Rather than Josie tearing the family apart, it brought them closer. Jim Bob and Michelle truly love eachother and strive to serve eachother. My family is headed in the right direction, but we still have a ways to go.

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May I be safe and protected from harm, both inner and outer.

May I be happy and peaceful.

May I be healthy and strong.

May I be able to take care of myself, joyfully.


It's from a Buddhist meditation called Metta, or loving kindness. You first wish all those things for yourself. Then for other people, even your enemies.


I too am happy and have many wonderful blessings. I think one of the most wonderufl blessings I, and my kids and dh have, is plenty of free time to follow our passions. We live comfortably but value time more than extra money.

Also...I think a sense of humour is very important.

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Being able to take life at pottering speed makes me happy.

Adequate sleep make me happy.


If we could just move past the toddler tantrum stage so I don't have a small boy start whining at me the moment he lays eyes on me in the morning, and a small girl burst into tears and run howling from the room every time I speak, life will be just fine.


I am happy when I've had the sort of day where I've mooched here, done a bit of housework, done "school," read a bit and/or worked on a craft project, laid around smooching the kiddies, cooked dinner in an unhurried way, and have enough brainpower left to study a bit after the boy has gone to bed. (Dh and I study together a few nights a week, when possible. Grammar is so good for our relationship :lol:)



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Hm. A beautiful life... well. I tend to believe I do have a beautiful life. I struggle financially, and we live on about 12K a year, but compared to where I've been in my life? This is great.


I have a wonderful child, who adores me. She is intelligent, healthy, creative, inquisitive, affectionate... I could not possibly ask for more. She tells me everyday that she loves me, and more importantly, she shows me how much she loves and respects me in a hundred little ways. My mental and emotional health is better than it's ever been. I'm in school studying something I love, working towards a career that will support us and allow me time to be with my daughter.


Today we woke up, spent time together. Went to a children's program at the library, played at the park, went for a long walk while discussing trees and roots and how things grow. Stood and watched a butterfly for almost 5 minutes. Came home, ate dinner together, and then DD read to me from one of her library books. Now we are both reading on our own (well, we were until I took a break to check the boards!! :lol:)

It doesn't get much better than this for me.

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