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Alternate TOG booklist for the alternate resources?


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So, I picked up TOG YR1 classic to give TOG a try (and save $). I just began to set up lesson plans and figure out if any of the books are at the library through InterLibrary Loan. Well, I only got through the first 9 weeks and have found that very few of the books (including the alternate resources) are at the library.


Previously, I used SL and was able to find the majority of the books at the library. I'm a little disappointed because our budget has run low and I know I won't be able to purchase all/most of the books. Any ideas on alternates?


Thanks so much!:bigear:

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What age are your kids? Mine are upper and lower grammar and we're finding about half or more at the library. You might try checking out the Tapestry website and going to the updated book list. That's where they've replaced books that have gone out of print, etc. That should give you an idea of the current books they are recommending.


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TOG is very topic related. The first unit of TOG is heavy into Old Testament history, and it doesn't surprise me that you'd have a hard time finding resources about old testament stories/ history.


Almost any books about Egypt will get you through the history component of the first three weeks. If you have SOTW, that ends up being a nice spine for year 1. Use the internet to research the cultural aspects of the ancient civilizations you're studying -- there's amazing stuff online about them.


Another thought I just had is to look at the threads for each learning stage and use that to help you weed through library books and pick alternate resources.


My other thought is using paperbackswap.com to collect the books.

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Have you check out the yahoo groups? They also have lists of alternatives.


You can also schedule in any book you might have or can find at the library on the topic. The redesign works around specific titles much more than classic did. Classic was written to use with the library and what ever books you could find.


The literature is a little more challenging. If you search on WTM and Sonlight you will pull us a site that scheudles SL books in WTM order. I would also check out what they are using in the redesign. You don't get exactly what week it is used, but you get the unit. From there I don't think you would have a horrible time figuring out where a book might go based on the topics.



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If you go to Lampstand Press, you can generate the most currently suggested titles by creating your own booklist, using the features of book choosing. This should fit in nicely and offer easier to find selections.


I believe you can also do some sort of very inexpensive upgrade ($30 or so) and get DE since you already own a printed copy. I'm new to this idea, so I'm afraid I'm not much help in the details.

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I was very surprised not to find the books using the inter-library loan. Maybe it's because we live in such a rural area - who knows?


Thanks for the suggestion of the list of Sonlight books that follow WTM order. Looking at the books on that list, I have found many of them in the inter-library loan.

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