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Winterpromise Customer Service


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I know there has been some question regarding WP shipping issues, etc. I ordered from WP for the first time on July 21st. I ordered the Animal Habitats Program, as well as a few extras since I will be using it with more than one student. I was a little nervous since they don't send out notices when your package ships. However, the first box arrived on August 2nd. It contained all of my "WP exclusive" titles, but not the DK books or One Small Square books. I also noticed a discrepancy in the pricing on my invoice. I left a message on Monday, August 2nd at the WP phone number. I was nervous when I didn't receive a call back right away! However, this afternoon, Don called and was shipping out the other books right away. He also refunded the money discrepancy that I brought to his attention and was very pleasant to speak with. According to his time table, I should have the remainder of our books within the next 5 days (they'll ship out tomorrow). Overall, I was very pleased with this transaction and in looking at the teacher guides, I think my two middle children will enjoy their science studies this year!

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I know there has been some question regarding WP shipping issues, etc.


They do seem nice and very willing to make things right, but I must say I'm surprised to read they are still having so many shipping problems :confused:. I ordered from WP in 2007 and had to speak with them twice to get some issues resolved. I would think by now the kinks would be worked out of their system.


I think they have a great product (though not a good fit for our family). I hope they're able to get the shipping issues resolved in the future!

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Isn't the point "WHY do they always have to make things right?"....why would someone be pleased that they had to call to get a situation fixed.....when it seems that's what almost everyone who orders from WP has to call to get something fixed/shipped, etc. What happened to I place the order, it arrived in a timely manner, end of story? NOW there's a story to repeat, at least if you are talking about WP. For most companies, that's just protocol.


Really, a price discrepancy? To me, that is unacceptable. The prices are printed in the catalog...why would it be any thing different?


I'm sorry, I can't give them kudos for fixing a problem they created, no matter how nice they were in fixing it. Because it's the same problem over and over and over.


They might be wonderful, awesome, kind people. Their curriculum is fantastic, and a inspiration to many. Apparently they do not know how to run a business properly.

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