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Has anyone switched from a naturopath to a homeopath?

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No, but I switched from a homeopath to a naturopath. The homeopathic Dr. was very helpful and I still take homeopathic remedies for many things. But I had some severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Homeopathic remedies could not help those. A naturopathic Dr. (who also understands and uses homeopathic remedies for many things) was able to diagnose the deficiencies and steer me to the correct supplements and doses.

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No, but I switched from a homeopath to a naturopath. The homeopathic Dr. was very helpful and I still take homeopathic remedies for many things. But I had some severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Homeopathic remedies could not help those. A naturopathic Dr. (who also understands and uses homeopathic remedies for many things) was able to diagnose the deficiencies and steer me to the correct supplements and doses.


What's the homeopathic doctor good for that the naturopath isn't good for?

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What's the homeopathic doctor good for that the naturopath isn't good for?


If you have a naturopath who is well versed in homeopathy then I'm not sure. But - not all naturopaths are well versed in homeopathy. I use homeopathy for viruses, infections and aches and pains. I found that my chronic problems needed more than that because the source of my problems were so diverse. My current naturopath uses prescribes 50% herbs & supplements, 40% homeopathy and 10% allopathic medicines (like my thyroid pills). He also uses other therapies like accupuncture, chiropractic etc. as needed.

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Not sure if this is helpful info or not, but the few times I couldn't get in to see my naturopath, I made an appointment with the homeopath who also works in the same place. Big fat waste of money and time. She was no help at all. I don't know if this means that homeopathy is not for us, or the homeopath was just not very good.


Our naturopath is very well taught and very experienced. She treats most things from a nutritional angle; I'm amazed at how many ailments come about just from a lack of a basic mineral.

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I think your best bet would be to find a naruropath who uses homeopathy as well as allopathic medicine. Most homeopaths seem to think that naturopathy is useless because it's not dealing with the source of the problem. Finding someone who has the education to use all three fields would be ideal. I use homeopathy but I can say from years of dealing with undiagnosed problems, homeopathy was not able to solve all of my issues.

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