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Real Science Odyssey vrs. Christian Kids Explore Science

Which science program do you prefer for 7 & 10 year old dd's?  

  1. 1. Which science program do you prefer for 7 & 10 year old dd's?

    • R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Earth and Space
    • Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space

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I've used both and I vote for REAL Science Odyssey hands-down. There are far more experiments, the written work is more engaging- diagrams to sketch, lab observations, and it's overall just more fun.


I found CKE to be very bare bones, minimal on the information presented, the writing was dull, and the worksheets and experiments not very engaging. It did not lead my dc to want to read more but I found that we had to because there just wasn't enough information in the text.


That said, REAL Science Odyssey isn't perfect and there are some attempts at humor that my dc and I rolled our eyes at, but overall I think it is a *much* better program.

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Do you ever feel like there are too many experiments in R.E.A.L. and not enough teaching?


Not in our case. We did chemistry and I think the experiments *were* the meat of the teaching. Really worked on the observation skills, forming a well thought out hypothesis, and careful diagrams of what actually happened. Not all the labs were experiments in the sense that we would think of them as. Some were making atoms and molecules out of marshmallows and toothpicks or making a flip book of electron levels. Lots of hands-on learning, which I think led to more retention in the long run.

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While I really enjoyed R.E.A.L. Science, I think that it's age recomendations are very loose.


For our family, I wouldn't use Life or Earth for a 10yo and probably not for a 9yo, even 8yo is kinda iffy. But we did love them for k/1st and 1st/2nd.


I haven't seen the Chemistry.


I think they are great intros, but agree that they need beefed up for the upper ends of the recomended ages.

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While I really enjoyed R.E.A.L. Science, I think that it's age recomendations are very loose.


For our family, I wouldn't use Life or Earth for a 10yo and probably not for a 9yo, even 8yo is kinda iffy. But we did love them for k/1st and 1st/2nd.


I haven't seen the Chemistry.


I think they are great intros, but agree that they need beefed up for the upper ends of the recomended ages.


You're right. I should have read the OP more carefully. :blush:


I used the chem one and I thought it was perfect for grade 3. I have Bio for grade 1 and I think it'll be a great fit. I don't know what the Earth/Space one is like and you're right... it's probably not enough for a 10yo. The 7yo should be fine.


To the OP, sorry about my oversight. This PP is right about RSO's grade level recs.

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I found CKE to be very bare bones, minimal on the information presented, the writing was dull, and the worksheets and experiments not very engaging. It did not lead my dc to want to read more but I found that we had to because there just wasn't enough information in the text.




My thoughts exactly!

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