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BF History of Science--"Revised & Expanded" vs older edition...What's the difference?

ereks mom

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On some booksellers' sites, I see A History of Science, Revised and Expanded (copyright 2000). However, I can't find any info about a previous edition. Does anyone here know anything about this? Were there different resources used in each edition? I appreciate any info. :001_smile:

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The BF program is called History of Science but it uses a wide variety of books, none are actually titled the same.

So whatever book you found, the title is just a coincidence.

See the book list here:



Yes, I know about the program. My question concerns the study guide for the program. I found the History of Science study guide at CBD, which says it is "revised and expanded". I just want to know if there was a previous edition of the study guide I linked, or if CBD's description is a mistake.

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The title page of the guide that I have gives a copyright of 1997. Underneath that is "Revised and Expanded 2000." I believe this is the most current version there is, but you could always check with BF.


I did e-mail BF, but got no response. Thanks for your help! :001_smile:

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I'm not positive but I think they either added or used the new edition of The Way Things Work for the "revised" 2000 edition. I think they also may have changed a book that went out of print.

I remember this being discussed a few yrs ago and it was decided that there were some changes, but not enough to warrant buying a new guide if you already had the old one, you could make it work.


They might have added in the Story Hour tapes too but not positive.

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I found the 1997 version at a used homeschool curriculum store several years ago, and the spine was Isaac Asimov's Chronology of Science, which was hugely expensive on the used market at the time. I ended up buying the revised version on eBay with many of the books because it doesn't use the Asimov book, and I have picked up the other pieces here and there.


Now Asimov's book is more reasonably priced, so yes, you could consider using the 1997 version although I don't know if there are other books that are hard to find at this point.


This is all based on my memories of several years ago, so I'm not 100% sure about the 1997 version. I know that I didn't want to buy a pricey spine and ended up with the revised version.

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