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Youngest child you've introduced to MCT

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DD31 is reading Grammar Island to her little girl (who is my grand-daughter) who is going to be 7 at the end of October. She loves it - they read a few pages a day and talk about the pictures. DD31 is a high schooll physics teacher and she is off summers, so they are enjoying this. The younger grand-daughter is 4.5 and she enjoys listening and commenting as well......the 7 year old, though, will tell me about what they have read when I talk to her. She is remembering it.

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I did all of Grammar Island with a 7yr old boy. He loved it! He is an advanced reader and is very language arts intuitive. He will move into Town w/ his big brother but will not be doing Paragraph Town. I'll likely make up some assignments similar to Sentence Island for him, but focusing more on Bravewriter Lifestyle ie freewriting and more read alouds. He is finishing up WWE2 and will be moving into WWE3.

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I did the Island level materials with a 7yo. It worked out wonderfully.


However, in looking ahead, the Town level is a big jump from Island, especially Paragraph Town. And Essay Voyage is a big jump from there.


So, after using Island level very successfully with a 2nd grader (and having used Voyage level with an 8th grader), I am planning to do Town and Voyage over 3 years instead of two.


ETA: I should mention that he was reading on a middle school level and was working on a 4th grade level in most subjects at the time.

Edited by EKS
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My 4 1/2 y.o. listened in on his big sister's "town" level lessons and at least some of it stuck. But I'm not planning to do the "island" level with him until after he finishes FLL 1/2. I'm starting out with that program this fall for K5. Not sure how long it'll take him to go through the book. His big sister did all of it in a single year but she is strongest in LA while DS is strongest in math & science.


My plan for my kids is FLL 1/2 -> MCT "island" -> Killgallon Sentence Composing for Elementary School -> MCT "town" -> Killgallon Story Grammar for Elementary School -> MCT "voyage" -> Killgallon Grammar for Middle School


My oldest skipped MCT "island" and did SG before MCT "town" but in hindsight that wasn't the best way to go about it.

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DD started Grammar Island just a little before 5 years old. It's really an engaging way for her to learn grammar. We haven't used any of the other books in Island as we are also learning Latin, but I wanted a fun and silly way to approach grammar. I wish we used this book in my parochial school because grammar has always been a thorn in my side - maybe some people can grasp it immediately, but others need a more simple and clever way of explaining it, and I think Grammar Island does an excellent job in that way. I mean, even a 5-year old can understand it!

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