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Prayer Request

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Would you all please pray for my mother today? She is having surgery this morning to biopsy enlarged lymph nodes in her chest. The nodes are around her wind pipe and near her heart. It is a risky surgery and supposed to have a very painful recovery. Her platelets are low as well.


She had breast cancer surgery 2 years ago and was found to have an autoimmune disorder, sarcoidosis. She has had a few biopsies since then that have all resulted in finding more of the sarcoidosis. This could be the sarcoidosis advancing, but the doctors want to check because her tumor markers are the highest they have been.


Thank you so much!

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I just wanted to let you all know that my mother's biopsy came back negative. It is not cancer, but sarcoidosis, which we already knew she had. It's been a very painful week. The surgeon had to collapse a lung to go in and do this. She's having a little trouble getting her strength back, and we don't know what's ahead about treating the other condition, but all is as well as could be expected.


Thanks for your prayers!

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