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American history spine


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We're doing American History this year (and probably extend it to next year) using SL readers and RA's. I didn't purchase their Landmark History of American People because I know it wouldn't appeal to my dd8. I have some books friends lend to me and would like your opinion which one to use or suggestions.


Abeka U.S. History (4th grade text), The Child's Story fo America (CLP 4th grade text), The Light and Glory for Children


I also have the BF American Providential (but I didn't like that one).


I also have Story of the USA books 1 and 2 (SL) and was wondering if that is enough material to cover history since I already have the RAs and Readers?


I prefer a more story-like history book because I know my daughter would enjoy learning history if told like SOTW :)


Thank you very much!

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If I had to choose between the ones you already have I would choose either the CLP or Light and Glory for children. Abeka is very much of a textbook, not a story type history. If you are interested in other history books you could check out the new history book from Queen homeschool. It is story-like and very engaging. Also you could check out Egglestons history books. Amazon carries them.

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I have Child's Story of America and the last two volumes of the Story of the USA books. Personally, I prefer Child's Story of America, but I can't say that I love it. I used portions of it with dd last year (2nd grade) to supplement lots of other books. I also used it with my older boys when they were in 3rd and 4th grade doing SOTW 3 & 4 to cover a bit more American history.


I'm not sure it you're looking for other options, but you may want to consider This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall for a story-like telling of American history. I haven't read it, but thoroughly enjoyed Our Island Story and Kings and Things by the same author. You can find it free online here



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