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Light Blue Math Mammoth ?


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I print about a month's worth of lessons at a time for each child, and keep them in binders. Each day they take the next MM lesson from behind the divider in their binder, and when it's completed (and checked by me) the lesson goes in front of the divider. I also keep a copy of the TOC at the front of the binder, so as each lesson is completed I mark the date next to the lesson on the TOC along with any comments.


My kids like color so I do print it in color, but I use the "fast draft" mode, which is faster & cheaper (uses less ink) than normal mode.



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I used to print about 20 pages at a time and keep them in a folder near our homeschool area so I could pull out the next sheet when we needed it.


Then I ended up on that filing thread. :tongue_smilie: I put together all 36 weeks of my homeschool year last weekend. I printed all of it (minus a few pages that I thought would be extraneous) on my home printer, set on "draft" mode to save ink - then I filed it so there are 4 or 5 sheets for each week. I was amazed that the whole process took about an hour from start to finish.

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I printed out 1A and 1B in the "fast draft" mode as well, but I only printed out some pages in colour (the ones where the colour was important to see the number bond). I then punched and filed all the pages in a binder. Every night I take out the next page/lesson and clip it to a writing pad for dd to do the next day.

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I print a chapter at a time and put it in a 3-ring binder. I have a sections labeled To Do, Answer Key, and Done. I print in B/W at home on a laser printer. I believe i'm in draft mode as well, but I don't cheap out on paper. Good quality heavy paper is worth the extra.

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Looking at the previous threads, I'm really disorganized. I printed 1a and 1b at once, in fast mode, some in color, and then used two huge clips for each set. I just flip to the pages we need to work each day, so you can imagine it's a bit rough on the edges now. I didn't want to bind it or spend on anything that would be extra (even though the appearance would certainly be neater) since I knew we would go through both sets quickly in about 3 months. I may need to hole punch it and put it in a binder for year 2 in a couple of weeks. That sounds like a better plan. Is binding expensive for two sets? Ink is cheap because I buy generic. If I had to print it at Kinko's, I think it would cost about $25 for both sets, and I'm very unwilling to spend that amount.

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I just printed mine out yesterday. I am a little bit low on printer ink, but I still managed to print out 1A in laser color and it looks fabulous. Just seeing the color gives me a little thrill, so little of our curriculum has color.


I mostly printed it out on the cheapest copy paper, but I also do believe in a bit more heavy-weight, brighter paper, so I think I'll print out 1B in that. It is worth it for me to use the better stuff in the long run.


Today I will 3-hole punch it and put it in my favorite binder, the Staples Better Binder. I like having it loose-leaf, so I can take it out and put the sheets on her desk to work on, or put it in a workbox, etc...

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I saved a copy of it to my computer, 1 to my USB drive and 1 to CD just in case LOL!! Depending on what time I have, I just print out either book A or just several lessons from it. I just use a 3 hold punch and stick it in a binder. I have stacks of empty binders that my brother gave me, so I put them to use :)

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