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Mputh Breathing - Can this be corrected???

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Two of my dc are mouth breathers and it is interfering with their speech and eating. I thought we had taken care of it with the eldest (13) but she has really just become awesome at doing it so quickly it is hard to tell. DS8 sounds like he's gulping air all of the time. I cannot keep pointing it out to them because it is not helping and they are getting super aggravated.


Is there a way to correct this? If so, how? Speech therapist? Dentist? ENT? Other med? A combo?


Please help!

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That is surprising! Did it work for a while? I have known kids that had their adenoids grow back after several years and had to have the surgery again.


I am really not sure how long. I feel like I have been asleep on this one. I suddenly woke up and realized I have two dc with this problem! Yikes. I am getting an appointment with an ENT pronto.



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