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What makes me smile...

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1) my rootbeer colored bike

2) my DS's hair - he's letting it grow and it's in that intermediate stage

3) my DH singing to Aerosmith on the radio

4) our "welcome home" party hosted by the cat and the dog every time we come home

5) my 'new' Beetle convertible.


DH and I broke down and bought a car. I love it. I love it. I love it.

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5) my 'new' Beetle convertible.


DH and I broke down and bought a car. I love it. I love it. I love it.


:hurray: Congratulations!


I smile about:

Good dirt and blooming flowers (Crazy, I know!)

When my kids call every day to tell me what they did when they are gone to their grandparents' cottage

When I plan next year's garden and know it will be able to be a little bigger than the present year

When I get the new books for the upcoming school year

When I finish a great book (and have to sit there for a while contemplating the ending)

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1. The sound of the yard sprinklers in the morning (it means it is a sunny day ahead)

2. Coming home from work late and finding out dh cooked dinner and saved me a plate. Only happens a few times a year, so I really appreciate it when it happens.

3. DD3 giggling her self awake because she could smell a blueberry coffee cake baking early in the morning (what a wonderful way to wake up :D )

4. Watching dd11 and the neighborhood kids play games on the street like kickball, basketball, baseball, etc.

5. The smile on ds's face when I surprised him with a video game he was wanting. He never asks me for anything, so he is so fun to surprise.

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1) The crazy things our dogs do

2) Sitting on the porch in the morning with dh and a good cup of coffee

3) Good morning hugs from dd

4) A cider on a hot day

5) Clothes waving on the clothesline

6) The hummingbirds buzzing the teepee of scarlet runner beans in the garden

7) The boys fighting over who gets to sit next to Mom while she reads to them (Annoying, but still flattering)

8) Talking on the phone to my sister

9) Bags of blanched veggies in my freezer

10) Eating lunch with a good book

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