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Our first official day


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We diidn't get finished until about 3pm and we started at 9am (anything earlier and my son doesn't function). Today was about testing Mom's limits and I must say I only lost my patience once. I told my son that he was keeping his butt in the chair until he finished and if that meant he wet himself so be it. Of courrse in my defense, he dawdled and whined that he needed help when I was giving Grandbaby attention, and he really didn't need any help. He also has a tendency to need to use the bathroom just when I explained everything and he then needs it all explained again. (another way to dawdle).


Other than that....Guesthollow history was a major hit, ETC not so much. He whined about it longer than it took to complete it since it is just review. MUS Beta; I wasn't sure about this when I got it, and really missed Saxon, but I must say my son loved it. I like the DVD and it wasn't dry like I thought it might be. We also created a Decimal street with the coresponding "100's castle, Ten Bar apartment, and unit house" and that was fun and he instantly got it from the hands on method and loved teaching his Dad how to 'build' a number. AAS was great as usual...and I decided to add OPGTR and that went excellent. (I actually bought that for grandbaby but decided that it meshed with AAS to well to skip)


I might drop ETC.....we can build in enough phonics with AAS and OPGTR and he gets his writing through narratives and First Language Lessons. He loves to write. Can anyone think of a reason to keep it, especially since it was the one thing he detested? (Other than the fact I already broke it down into 36 weeks :confused:)

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I am glad you had a good first day. I still lose my patience now and then but we are both still learning at being a homeschooling family. Like right now, she didn't want to do her work because she said she had a headache...so off to take a nap then. You surely can't play with a headache and only a nap will fix it.

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