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How do you teach nature studies?


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We unschool nature studies.


Basically, we have a veggie garden, flowers and raspberries along the driveway and a few fruit trees. We regularly observe the flora and fauna around us: birds, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, our bat, various bugs, etc.


Things we keep on hand:


field guides

butterfly nets

magnifying glasses

various field guides



Things we have done:


caterpillar to butterfly


venus flytraps

lightning bugs (for pets)

we have rabbits for pets


Outside of the yard:


visit your local wildlife/nature center

visit any sort of "natural" wonder your area has (forest, waterfall, etc.)

take walks in the park, notice things

let your children collect leaves, seed pods, etc.


Join 4-H--They have a lot of great project manuals to study wildlife, trees, plants, garden, rocks, bugs, etc. And you get to enter a project in the fair too if you do all the work. :001_smile:

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