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Induced in labor ever going fast?

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I am 36/37 weeks with my third baby. I have gestational diabetes this time around. My doctor/midwifes want to induce me in two weeks, just to avoid any issues from the diabetes. And I am pondering if I want to push to have more time for a chance of naturally going into labor.


I REALLY want to have this baby and be done this awful pregnancy. But I am also not comfortable with the idea of being induced. I am sad that my entire birth plan has been thrown out the window (which yes I know was my plan, not God's). I wanted to have this baby at the birthing center here, but can't now because of the diabetes. And I wanted to have the baby naturally, which I feel could be hindered by a drawn out delivery through induction. My last baby was a four hour natural delivery and I was dreaming about this one being even quicker:glare:


So anyway, my question is: was your labor induced and was it a "quick" delivery? Are there any chances of this?

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Oh, you guys have already made me feel a little better. In my mind I convinced myself that being induced was going to mean a looooong drawn out process. I realize you never know what your story is going to end up like, but at least I now know of others where it hasn't.

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I went 4.6 hours from induction (Pitocin) to birth at full term.


Similar for both of my kids. I didn't go into "active" active labor on my own with either; they induced me both times after my water broke. It was from 4 am to 10am for the first and 2 pm to 6 pm for the second.

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From the starting of pitocin to delivery, it was just shy of 6 hrs for my first, and 4.5 hrs for my second.


If you decide to forgoe an epi/painkillers, I highly recommend having a doula or someone who can coach you through the contractions. Pit contractions HURT, esp if you were not laboring before they induced you.

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I had both my babies by induction (due to low fluid both times). I don't know it any other way. All I know was that is was easy and I didn't feel a thing LOL. With my first baby they began pitocin around 7:45 AM and I didn't have her till 6 PM. So that one was about 10 hours (about 15 or 20 minutes of pushing). With my second baby they began pitocin around 8 AM and I had her right after 1 PM. So that was around 5 hours....and about 15 minutes of pushing. I have nothing but good things to say about being induced. No stress, no rushing to the hospital, no pain.

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I had both my babies by induction (due to low fluid both times). I don't know it any other way. All I know was that is was easy and I didn't feel a thing LOL. With my first baby they began pitocin around 7:45 AM and I didn't have her till 6 PM. So that one was about 10 hours (about 15 or 20 minutes of pushing). With my second baby they began pitocin around 8 AM and I had her right after 1 PM. So that was around 5 hours....and about 15 minutes of pushing. I have nothing but good things to say about being induced. No stress, no rushing to the hospital, no pain.


Did you get an early placement epidural? That's definitely another bonus of being induced, at least for me. :D

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Did you get an early placement epidural? That's definitely another bonus of being induced, at least for me. :D


I asked for an epidural as soon as I felt the first contraction LOL. I said "Oooh, I felt that one! Where's the epidural guy?" LOL. And the anesthesiologist was quick about getting to me. Loved my epi both times.

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I asked for an epidural as soon as I felt the first contraction LOL. I said "Oooh, I felt that one! Where's the epidural guy?" LOL. And the anesthesiologist was quick about getting to me. Loved my epi both times.


I hear ya! I had an epidural all three times and wouldn't have had it any other way.

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My second was induced and they didn't believe me when I told them I felt the baby's head. They said they were dripping the pitocin slowly and that I had a long way to go. Well, I felt the head coming down, and told my dh to get out there and find that nurse! Sure enough, when she came and checked me, his head was in the birth canal. The doctor got there in five minutes, and when they got my legs in the stirrups, the nurse started instructing me to push, and the doctor said, "Don't bother! He's almost out!" So, needless to say, my induction went a lot more quickly than any of us expected!

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Both of my babies were induced and I have both ends of the spectrum. My first dd, I was in labor for 23 hours (17 of which was pre-epidural). With my second, I had a suppository inserted to soften my cervix in the evening and stayed in the hospital overnight. I was actually already hospitalized when they decided to induce so not sure if it works that way for everyone. Anyway, doc broke water at around 8 am, I was at 3 cm. He went ahead and ordered epidural as I was in pain. After epidural inserted etc, I was checked again. At 9:30 AM, I had dilated to 4. At 10 AM, I was fully dilated and baby was on her way out. She was born at 10:39 AM after the doc hauled his cookies back from his office. It was a great relief because we had no alternatives. Because I was running out of fluid, she had to come out that day. Just as something to note though, with younger dd, they had turned the pitocin up higher so my pain after the epidural wore off was worse than the first time around when I had less pitocin. The pain from uterus contracting after birth particularly when I nursed was much worse.

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My last induction started at 8:30 am and I had him at 12:35pm. So a bit over 4 hours, but I was 4 cm when we started.


I did them completely pain med free, it wasn't too bad.


My 3rd was almost exactly the same way. Only the last 3 ctx when I was in transition really hurt. But by the point, it would've been too late to get an epi even if I had wanted one.


My other two were induced as well and the labors were 3 hrs. and 6 hrs.

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From the starting of pitocin to delivery, it was just shy of 6 hrs for my first, and 4.5 hrs for my second.


If you decide to forgoe an epi/painkillers, I highly recommend having a doula or someone who can coach you through the contractions. Pit contractions HURT, esp if you were not laboring before they induced you.

I was going to say the same thing. I had to have it with my first as she was 2.5 weeks late and those were some intense contractions. Labor was not progressing well with my second and again intense contractions. My third came finally fully on her own with no intervention and that was by far my easiest labor!! Contractions were not nearly as bad at all with her.

What I am saying by all this, is just be prepared. Yes your labor will probably go faster, but if you go natural as I did (too chicken to get an epi), just be prepared to do your breathing exercises and focus on something else. Good Luck!!

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I was induced twice, both times because my water broke and I did not go into labor. The second time in particular went very quickly and smoothly, and in both cases the epidural sped things up in a big way.


That said, I also had GD with my second baby (not with the first, and not with my current -- third- pregnancy, though) and I'd need more to induce than simply "You have GD." Is your blood sugar under control with diet alone or are you on meds? How is the baby doing? Those late-term ultrasounds can be so off wrt to the baby's size, which also complicates matters. My baby's weight was estimated at about 8.5 the day before I gave birth, and he was a full pound less.

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My first baby...induction...10 hours from getting to the hospital till baby arrived.


Second Baby, went in labor....11 hours from water breaking till baby.


Third baby..scheduled induction 3.5 hours !!!!


Fourth Baby scheduled induction 4 hours......



if you have quick deliveries, an induction will not necessarily slow things down.


Baby #1-epidural

Baby #2 epidural

Baby#3-no epidural, just some pain meds

Baby #4-same as #3


However, all my babies were between 5.5 lbs and 7.5 lbs. I understand that GD babes are typically bigger. I only had to push three times for any of my babies.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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My blood sugars have actually been great. Just my morning fasting is high (anywhere from 88 to 105). So, they started me on a small dose of medicine for that (not insulin), and I have fetal monitoring twice a week (which has been perfect so far).


They have not voiced any reason for early delivery other than GD causing the placenta to not remain healthy. But so far I am showing no sign of that. Unless any of these circumstances change, this is why I am hoping to put them off in inducing me.

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I am 36/37 weeks with my third baby. I have gestational diabetes this time around. My doctor/midwifes want to induce me in two weeks, just to avoid any issues from the diabetes. And I am pondering if I want to push to have more time for a chance of naturally going into labor.


I REALLY want to have this baby and be done this awful pregnancy. But I am also not comfortable with the idea of being induced. I am sad that my entire birth plan has been thrown out the window (which yes I know was my plan, not God's). I wanted to have this baby at the birthing center here, but can't now because of the diabetes. And I wanted to have the baby naturally, which I feel could be hindered by a drawn out delivery through induction. My last baby was a four hour natural delivery and I was dreaming about this one being even quicker:glare:


So anyway, my question is: was your labor induced and was it a "quick" delivery? Are there any chances of this?


Three induced labors=three labors under three hours. :001_smile:

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I'm glad that you've had lots of good stories of induction. My experience is undoubtedly not typical, but when I was given pitocin, it caused my body to go into one long contraction. The nurses were yelling, "Turn it off! Turn it off!" So, in one sense it caused things to go too fast. (Once they turned it off, labor for me with my oldest child was veeeeeery slow - over 72 hours.) With my second we discovered that walking and walking and walking was better for keeping labor going for me than the pitocin. Labor with her was 5 hours - pushing 15 min.

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I had gestational diabetes with my last three pregnancies. They were all induced two weeks early. With the first and second inductions (?) I went 1 1/2 hours from the time they started to delivery. My last one would have been the same, but the little stinker had his head turned and it was 5 hours.

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I'm sorry to have to present the other side of induction, but I think you should proceed with greatest possible caution.


I have two different friends who both had absolutely nightmarishly long induced labors. Dragging a body that's not ready to labor through pitocin induction is very, very hard on a woman. One friend's labor was close to 24 hours, and it was hard. My other friend had such a freakishly long, bad labor that I will spare you the details. Her second induction was better than the first but still long and horrible. It scared me permanently about that option.


I truly don't want to frighten you unduly--please take my friends' experience as a caution to make sure you understand the risks and are fully informed in your decision.

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I've had two pitocin inductions--one they broke waters before pit, the other reversed--I didn't really notice my contractions at first, then once I did, it lasted 6 hours with the first, 5 hours with the second. I did not have an epidural or IV drugs. It can be done.

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I was induced @ 39 weeks because they thought he was 'too big', they were estimating 9.5-10 lbs (I had gestational diabetes as well, but not so bad that there were complications other than a 'big baby'.)


They started me on the petocin @ 6 AM, by 11 PM I was only @ 3 cm dilated. They finally talked me into IV pain relief and then an epidural - still was not born until 5 AM the next morning. Then he ended up in the NICU because he'd ended up with pneumonia AND a giant bruise b/c he was hitting my pelvis instead of my cervix. He was only 8lb 2oz -- so much for a big baby!


My thought is inducing is only a good idea if there is a very serious medical problem. I've got a friend who is being pressured into it right now, and she's fighting it with all her might. Her first was induced and she had a bad experience too. Now the doc is telling her they should induce for no reason other than the baby looks like he is ready. If he was so ready, wouldn't she be in labor???


I'm not sure what all the complications with the gest. diabetes during labor could be, but I would weigh them against the complications you could end up with b/c of inducing.

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I was induced with my last 2... both times I gave birth within 2 hours--unmedicated other than the induction...


One baby was a preemie (induced because of her health) and the other was 38 weeks (induced due to my health).


My first baby was totally natural--- total labor time from first noticeable contraction until birth was 7 hours.

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When I was pregnant with my twins, the OB told me that I had GestDiab. My endocrinologist read and heard how the OB had done the test (the wrong sugar dosage, the wrong week, etc.), saw the diet they had put me on, and he was LIVID that the OB had done this. He put me back on a decent diet for a woman with twins, told me to stop testing my sugar, and told the OB that he, my endocrinologist, would manage my endocrine system (what's left of it) from that point on, thank you very much. ;) The OB backed off after that. The endo also did some test that proved I did not have GestDiab.


At the end, though, the OB said I had to be induced because the twins were at 38.5 weeks. No other good reason. Looking back, I wish I had walked out of there and said, "Well, I will think about it overnight." I would have given it more time. I think I now have a motto, "Don't listen to your OB, go with your instincts," but what do I know?


Long story short, I was induced, did not dilate AT ALL, and my water broke. So the OB got what he had wanted all along: a C-section. :glare:


FWIW, I never went back to him, even though I did get two healthy babies out of it all. I felt that he had lied to me, several times over, so I couldn't bring myself to trust him again.

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dd now 12, induced... took 24 hours.


ds now 8, induced... took 13 hours.


ds now 2, natural... too 6.5 hours.


All depends on the body :) But I managed to half my time with each one. Hmmm wonder if I had a fourth if it would be a 3 hour delivery??


I'll never find out though dh is adamant about no more :)

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How well an induction goes has a lot to do with how close you are to going in to labor on your own. Ask about your bishops score before agreeing to one. Know that inducing can double your chances of a c-section. And if the concern is your placenta than you can do biophysical profiles to check and see how it and the baby are doing. Inducing that early can lead to NICU stays, due to difficulty regulating temperature, difficulty breathing, and breastfeeding problems due to a lack of sucking reflex. Also, whenever you have the baby be ready for them to try to insist on the baby having formula because of low blood sugar. I would advise having some donor milk ready if possible, to use instead. As for them letting you go longer, remember, you HIRED them, you are the boss, not them. If you don't want to schedule the induction just don't. Or if you really hate confrontation, i've known of women that schedule, then call the morning of or the night before and cancel due to "family emergency". but honestly, you don't have to induce at all if the baby and you are doing well as evidenced by a biophysical profile.

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How well an induction goes has a lot to do with how close you are to going in to labor on your own. Ask about your bishops score before agreeing to one. Know that inducing can double your chances of a c-section. And if the concern is your placenta than you can do biophysical profiles to check and see how it and the baby are doing. Inducing that early can lead to NICU stays, due to difficulty regulating temperature, difficulty breathing, and breastfeeding problems due to a lack of sucking reflex. Also, whenever you have the baby be ready for them to try to insist on the baby having formula because of low blood sugar. I would advise having some donor milk ready if possible, to use instead. As for them letting you go longer, remember, you HIRED them, you are the boss, not them. If you don't want to schedule the induction just don't. Or if you really hate confrontation, i've known of women that schedule, then call the morning of or the night before and cancel due to "family emergency". but honestly, you don't have to induce at all if the baby and you are doing well as evidenced by a biophysical profile.


Thank you for this! This is really where I am on all of this as of now. I like having more info as ammo if they "pressure"me.

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My first and third were induced using pitocin. With the first I hadn't hardly started dilating at all, but my water had spontaneously ruptured with no other signs of labor beginning which is why they induced and it took about 9 hrs.

With my third I was dilating for a couple weeks and was at 4 1/2 when they decided to induce and it took less than 4 hrs.


ETA: My middle was completely natural and took about 5 hrs.

Edited by akmommy
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