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What we are doing about learning math facts

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This is something that is currently working for us. First of all, I have a 3rd grader and a 5th grader. One is having trouble with add/sub facts (but is doing GREAT with mult) the other is have trouble with mult (the uppers).


We are using a story/picture based mult memory book, along with times attack and computer facts flash cards.


I bought a poster of both addition and mult facts at the dollar store but hate having it on the wall because a) I have limited wall space and b) I don't like the like the idea of a permanent "cheat sheet"


I bought binder rings and cut the facts posters into indiv facts to make cards that I put on the rings. Now they are handy, not visible and I can give them out when the children are working on grasping a concept and the lack of immediate fact retrieval is causing a learning stagnation (and lots of tears). We still spend a part of each day practicing their facts so I know that they are gaining the needed retrieval. As each fact goes into "permanent" memory, I simply black it out on the card (I can buy a new poster for the littles later).


Just thought I'd pass on this little bit of something that is working for us.



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