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Growth spurts and learning plateaus...

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Do you find that your kiddos seem to stop learning when they have a physical growth spurt? My 9 yo dyslexic dd was doing so well through the winter, but she grew 1/2" from Jan - June and 1/2" from June 21 - July 24. I have been feeling discouraged lately that she doesn't seem to be progressing very quickly, but maybe it's related to her growth spurt. Then again, it could be related to vacations and other disruptions that occur in the summer. :001_smile:


Maybe I just need some encouragement that we will get over this hump.

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I'm convinced that their brains go on hiatus when the body is busy growing. Puberty is the worst time for this. My sister-in-law refers to kids at this age as "walking brain stems" as there is NO higher level brain function evident in most 13yos. (You've got older kids, so you know what I mean!!)


So sure, between growing, the brain just needing a rest and with vacation and summertime, it seems natural that your dd has hit a plateau. It won't last, but she will continue progressing in fits and starts over the next several years. Take advantage of the times when things are clicking, and try to relax when she hits these plateaus.


Speaking of growth spurts -- my ds has grown 12" in the last year!! It seemed like he just ate and slept for most of that time!

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Absolutely positively. There is no way my son learns at all while he's growing. It's all I can do to keep the knowledge that's in there from leaking out the bottom of his hollow leg!


My husband, when he was a teen, grew so quickly that he actually had to drop out of school. He was sleeping 18 hours or more a day and eating the rest of the time. The doctors diagnosed him with chronic fatigue, but his mother and I firmly believe it was a massive two-year growth spurt. I'm praying I don't have that to look forward to!

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