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MUS manipulatives substitute???


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We are starting MUS Alpha & Beta this year for our 1st and 2nd grade boys, but the manipulatives are on backorder. I didn't order them through MUS because I thought I could find them used faster. However, that isn't the case. I can't find them anywhere (and ebay has them for way more than they are new). Looks like I may have to order them backordered through MUS.


Does anyone know of a substitute manipulative I can use for the first few lessons until that comes in?

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You could try finding legos whose color/length match up. Do you have a friend who could loan you their blocks for a couple weeks?


Substituting something else would be difficult because the first few lessons focus on recognizing the blocks: what number they represent, what color represents each number, etc. I'm not sure you can do the first few lessons without blocks.....


Have you received your TM yet? You can read over the first few lessons and see what you think.


Sorry, this probably doesn't help.:glare:

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Ahh I see. I knew we would need them but I didn't know if there were any on the market I could get by with until the others came. I guess if the first lessons start out explaining the blocks, it won't work. I just hate it when we can't start all our subjects on the first day. I like to start off with a bang and at full steam (while I still have steam left HA HA). :)

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