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Questions about CPO Life Science

plain jane

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I looked on the website's FAQ section for grade level for the middle school life science but couldn't find it. Could I do this with an advanced grade 4?? Of course, my next question is will I be able to do the middle school earth science book next year in grade 5 when we cycle back to earth/space. We did Apologia and a cobbled together earth science program :blush: for our first go-round.


Also, I see on the website the TM is $129 and the student book/investigations kit set is $70. Ugh. Am I really reading that right? $200 just for the books? Ouch. I've looked for used on amazon but can't find a decent deal on the student portions. Do I need the interactive DVD and teacher's toolkit?


Sigh, I may go have a heart attack now.

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I looked on the website's FAQ section for grade level for the middle school life science but couldn't find it. Could I do this with an advanced grade 4?? Of course, my next question is will I be able to do the middle school earth science book next year in grade 5 when we cycle back to earth/space. We did Apologia and a cobbled together earth science program :blush: for our first go-round.


The stated sequence is:


6th grade: Earth

7th grade: Life

8th grade: Physical


We did the Life Science last year in 6th, but I do think it would be a bit much for the majority of 4th graders. Even if they could read along, I think they'd get much more out of it the next cycle through.


I think doing the Earth in 5th would be less of a stretch. I'm still holding off with my 4th/5th grade dd; I'm doing Mr. Q Earth with her this year, and we'll do the CPO next cycle through.


Also, I see on the website the TM is $129 and the student book/investigations kit set is $70. Ugh. Am I really reading that right? $200 just for the books? Ouch. I've looked for used on amazon but can't find a decent deal on the student portions. Do I need the interactive DVD and teacher's toolkit?


The California Editions are much more easy to get used and cheap. I've gotten the student books, bundled with the investigations book, for under $20, and the TE for about $20. you don't need the DVD or toolkit. The California Editions are arranged a little differently - I actually prefer the order in the "originals", but the huge cost savings and the fact that the changes are pretty minor swayed me to go the other way.

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I bought the Focus on Life Science version used on Amazon for about $30. It's the California standards edition. From what I could tell based on the resources from the website, the main changes are that things are in different orders. The Focus On version doesn't have the chapter on biomes (desert, forest, tundra). I'm wondering if they moved it to the earth science book. Also, there is an added section on human reproduction.


I looked at samples of the teacher's edition and decided I didn't need it. It's on the website, so you can take a look and decide for yourself. Other resources on the website include powerpoint presentations for each section of the book, graphic organizers in .doc form, skills and practice sheets, and printable worksheets that explain everything you need to know to complete the labs. The online resources are listed in the original, not the California order. I thought it was simple enough to figure out which chapter goes where.


I read all the labs. Many of them use household supplies or cheap items you can get from places like Carolina Biological Supply. There are a few specialty items CPO sells that are outrageously priced. I'm skipping those. There is one game for learning about heredity called Crazy Creatures. I found an alternative that is almost as good, but much cheaper called rebops. There is a .doc file all about it that you can find my googling "rebops" and clicking the second option. A microscope is used in a lot of the labs. I placed my order for a $235 one through Rainbow Resource. I know they make cheaper ones, but my thought is that this one will last us forever, and if we decide to sell it when we're done, we could get a nice portion of our money back.


If you do it this way, CPO science is fairly affordable.

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I bought the Focus on Life Science version used on Amazon for about $30. It's the California standards edition. From what I could tell based on the resources from the website, the main changes are that things are in different orders. The Focus On version doesn't have the chapter on biomes (desert, forest, tundra). I'm wondering if they moved it to the earth science book.


Yes, the put Biomes in Earth Science and moved Space science to the Physical Science book.

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Thank you so much ladies. I guess I won't be doing it next year :(. But, it saves me a bunch of money! :D


I had no clue what grades the books are for and I certainly don't want to use a book that is too difficult.


Could one of you please link me to the Focus on... versions just so I now I'm looking at the right ones when she is ready?



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