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How much ETC per day for kindergarten?


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We started off just doing as many pages per day as my dd wanted too. We made it though the first of the get ready books, but have decided to skip the other two and start right into book 1 of ETC. She has watched Letter Factory several times and already knows all the letters and their sounds. So, next Monday Book 1 it is!

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Guest tcwave

This summer we have been doing 5 pages a day trying to get through book a, b and c. My son turned 4 in late May and really enjoys them. We are now on book C. after completing book A, I bought ETC Explode the Code felt thing a ma jig (felt cutouts for every letter with book of games to play) and wish I had got it sooner since he loves the games you can play with it. I was skeptical at first because it was like $70, but to us, it's worth it.



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My ds 6 was halfway through K when we started the pre-ETC series with him. I assigned 2 pages/day. There are some days he wants to do more (the coloring pages and others with easier activities). Tomorrow he will do the final pages in the third book. It took us 6 months at this pace.


So, since you have a full year of K in front of you, I would suggest assigning 1 page/day, then if your dc wants to do more on that day, let them.





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When we did these books my ds flew through all three in one school year. I just let him do as many or as little as he wanted. Some days he did 10 pages and some days he did 1. I didn't set a deadline to finish and just let him have fun with them. Now we are on ETC book 1 and he is wise to the fact that they are school.:glare: So now we do 2 a day.

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So, are the pre-ETC books meant for Kinder or preschool?


I think it depends on the kid. The first 3 books concentrate on letter recognition and sounds. For my oldest this would have been K, for my second it was SOOO pre-K. I'm a big fan of the Letter Factory dvd for letter sounds.



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I think it depends on the kid. The first 3 books concentrate on letter recognition and sounds. For my oldest this would have been K, for my second it was SOOO pre-K. I'm a big fan of the Letter Factory dvd for letter sounds.




I agree. My dd (4 yrs) started the Get Ready for the Code book last winter (mid) and she's now almost half way through the Get Set for the Code book. That said, we took a long break (about three months).


To the OP: She does anywhere from 2-4 pages per day, depending on what they involve. Like other poster's said, if it's a lot of writing, she does closer to the 2 per day, if not, I have to suggest we move on to something else:tongue_smilie:. For some reason, she loves those books!

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We are starting in the get ready, get set books. So, how much should I expect per day?


I think that it is completely up to you and your child. For my two oldest dc they have all started with Get Ready, Get Set and Go for the Code at age 4 and done 4 pages a day. We pretty much keep that same 4 page a day pace as we hit the first book and beyond as well. Every once in awhile we might take it easy or push a bit more but 4 has been a good average for us. I want my boys to work through the entire series by about half way through second grade so we can move on to formal spelling. This pace works well for us so far but my youngest will begin this year. He is a different kid and all my plans that have been successful in the past may fly out the window with this one! :tongue_smilie:


So, are the pre-ETC books meant for Kinder or preschool?


Again I think this depends on your kiddo. Mine have all known letter and sounds by the time they turn four so starting Get Ready, Get Set and Go for the Code at four has been perfect for us as part of a pre-K program. I count it for reading, handwriting and spelling! :)

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So, are the pre-ETC books meant for Kinder or preschool?




They are aimed at very basic recognition of letters and build following direction skills. They can (and to my mid should) be done without "writing" by allowing a child to just use their fingers, as the writing skill required is developmentally advanced from the "content," which is at a preschool level.



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