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Is my dd weird??

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She is 7 and asked to do a lesson of Shurley 2 today. (Huh?? doesn't she know it's Sunday??)


We ended up doing 3 SE lessons while the older dd(10) wandered in and completed a TT5 lesson with headphones on.


Is this normal?:confused:


Background: Kids were in ps last year. I afterschooled in June and occasionally do a lesson here and there before we officially 'start' homeschooling in september. I am working full-time for summer camp at the moment (3 more weeks to go:hurray:). I haven't even purchased all our school books yet! :w00t:



robin in NJ

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She is 7 and asked to do a lesson of Shurley 2 today. (Huh?? doesn't she know it's Sunday??)


We ended up doing 3 SE lessons while the older dd(10) wandered in and completed a TT5 lesson with headphones on.


Is this normal?:confused:


robin in NJ


It depends on the child, but yes it's perfectly normal in my house. My 7yo talked me into school yesterday. :D

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It sounds like a homeschoolin' momma's dream. :)

I was just thinking about taking my girls into our newly cleaned up school room to do something (not sure what yet) when daddy goes out to play basketball tonight. Now I'm wondering who's crazy/weird? :lol:

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My 7 yo daughter has begged me for WWE lessons before bed. Today she asked me to create a reading schedule for her so she could plot out what books she wants to read, and how many hours a day she should devote to the cause. She also asks for me to create math sheets for fun. So yeah, sounds normal to me! :)

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