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Bible Curriculum recommendations


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I am looking for a Bible curriculum for our 9 and 10 yo dd's that reflects our beliefs as closely as possible. We are conservative, New Testament church believers. We will practice courting (not dating) when the time comes for marriage, modesty, and the usual biblical values. We do allow TV and video games are but very limited in our choices.

I want a non-denominational Bible study only, without a particular slant-just the facts please, not an interpretation of those facts. Something that provides historical/background info along with the biblical events. If this helps, I am not interested a reformed theology, Baptist, Mennonite or any of the Abeka/BJU type studies nor do I want application/character training (already have that covered) but if it is included that's okay. I just don't somehting that talks about dating and hanging out at the mall kind of stuff.

We do read through the Bible as a family and discuss it, but I want something structured and at their level that we could do during school time. Thanks for any suggestions.



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we just bought Who is God (and Can I really know Him?) put out by Apologia. It is designed to give children a thorough grounding in a Biblical worldview. I can't say how we like it because we haven't started yet, but it looks wonderful. It seems geared right toward your children's ages.

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We're using Calvary Chapel's curriculum this year. I've only done 4 lessons, so I can't give a complete recommendation, but I like it because it essentially goes through the Bible, start to finish, without commenting. Each day you read the assigned reading, discuss (you lead the discussion so it can go the way you choose) and then there are activity sheets (Q&A, wordsearches, etc.). It even has worksheets of different difficulty levels. Plus it's free, so if you don't like it you haven't lost anything. :tongue_smilie:


Here is the link: http://children.calvarychapel.com/site/curriculum.htm

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another suggestion would be Foundations Bible curriculum found at www.homeschoolingbible.com

I looked into it a year or so ago and liked the looks of it. It's chronological.


Another idea would be Kay Arthur's Discover 4 yourself inductive Bible Studies for kids. Here a link to those at rainbow resource: http://rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1280697314-1390262&subject=13&category=3623

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We have used Positive Action for Christ bible curriculum for several years now. I became aware of it many years ago when my oldest son went to a conservative non-denominational private school for a year in 4th grade. When I brought him back home to school, I immediately purchased it for his bible curricula. I believe it will give you what you are looking for. You can see samples online at http://www.positiveaction.org/pages/htmlos/9627.1.2088966627411664684 Just pick a grade and go from there, you'll find the download-able samples in each grade under "full descriptions".


You could very easily put both of your dd's in the same level book. :001_smile:

Edited by Melissa in CA
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Can you provide any more information on your beliefs? The info you provided is not exactly doctrine. You say you want non-denominational, but you won't get that unless you do strictly Bible stories. Do you believe in young earth or old earth? What do you believe about salvation (grace, works, combo)? Do you believe in the Bible as literal or do you believe it is open to interpretation? What version of Bible do you want to use, or do you care?


You might not label yourselves a Baptist or a Mormon, but presumably you hold a set of beliefs which makes you, by definition, slanted. :) Therefore, you will want a similarly slanted program. ;)

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We use this same curriculum and love it a lot! This will be our third year with the Explorer's series and my dd has retained an impressive amount of what she's learned. I'm sure the others listed are also good, but I just thought I'd chime in with agreement to what Amber's saying.




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We use Explorers too, the Discovery level. You can download the weekly lessons for free. I get an email once a week alerting me to the next weeks lessons which I then download. The link I get has all the levels on it so I assume you could download multiple levels, but I just chose to use the Discovery level. It's a great study! There are 30 weeks with 5 lessons per week. Pretty short too, so you can add prayer time or more study as you see fit. I am working on encouraging a personal relationship with God in my kids, so we like to have some good prayer time.

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I recommend R&S Bible, it is wonderful! It is 4 workbooks (grades 5-8) that cover Genesis thru Revelation. You Bible is your textbook. It has them read the scripture (in order) and then answer questions about it. It is NOT just fill in the blank type questions, but require them to interpret the answer (ex: how old was Noah when he got on the ark? How old was he when he got off the ark? calculate then, how long was Noah on the ark.) Each question tells the scripture to find the answer. It also include map and geneaology work. It is really, really good, and does not teach a doctrine. My boys just finished book 5 and learned soooo much. It has beautiful black and white pencil drawn illustrations throughtout, and has some pictures drawn to label (such as the tabernacle and the priests cloths) It is 30 lessons, but we halved them since they were long (written in A, B, C, D FORMAT) Book 5 (the first one) covered Genesis through 1st Samuel. We also got the TM (for answeres) and the tests. You can see a sample at www.rodandstaffbooks.com It is really inexpensive also.


eta: It also has them use a Bible Concordance. It has them look to find out what a name means, etc. I think it really teaches the student to study their Bible and interpret it for themselves.


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Grapevine. "Stick Figuring Your Way through the Bible"

Sounds simplistic, but it really covers alot, while letting you choose your own translation and allowing you time to 'camp out' on the things that are more important to you. In my world, busy hands usually means more attentive ears, so this was a great fit for us. Even my 5 yo did well (I wrote his memory verses for him as I prodded the narrating of them). It is really a 'facts' course for younger kids. No denominational stuff.


There is an optional Quest study included that asks the students to think about more than just the facts. This is probably about middle school age. We did not do this, but the questions I read were challenging without pointing toward a particular answer or viewpoint. A hs version is available, too.


We tried a sample before buying the New Testament Overview. You can find free samples here: http://www.grapevinestudies.com/


If you are referred, they'll give you and your friend a discount if you call to place your order, so you may want to ask around your local group to see if anyone else is using the program.

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Bible Study Guide for all Ages


I will third this one.


Here we just use the TM, using the review questions, the lessons questions and some of the memory work. There is a lot there, so we just don't have time to use it all. Right now I am finishing up the 2nd unit (or year) and will move on to the 3rd this fall.


I also know people who just use the activity sheets, and others who use a combo of both. There is a lot of flexibility in the program.


There really isn't any doctrinal issues. The questions are more comprehension based. They provide the memory work in both KJV and NIV, but most of it you could also hand write in a 3rd version without problems.



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Another vote for Bible Study Guide for All Ages.


Whole family has enjoyed learning from this guide for 4 years.... but we're only part way through Unit 3, we move at a slow pace on this.


Lots of room for discussion in this study, which is essential for us!




I am not going to look at any of the other curriculum mentioned in this thread.

I am not going to look at any of the other curriculum mentioned in this thread.

I am not going to look......................

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Thanks to everyone for all of the great resources. I am leaning toward The Bible Study Guide for All Ages. I like the timeline, background info and their statement about not giving their opinions and staying non-denominational. I still have a few others to look at but seeing all of the positive responses on BSGFAA is very encouraging in my initial thoughts.:001_smile:



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I second the Explorer's Bible Study, however you can go directly to their website and download each lesson weekly for free. You can download lessons from PreK all the way through Adult. All you have to do is register. http://www.explorerbiblestudy.org/login.php

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