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No Social Life

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Does anyone have high school students that live in a place where they don't have friends or places to hang out with kids their age? Or live overseas without homeschool groups? We live in Japan and are considering bringing ds (14) home from international school because he is really struggling academically. We just don't know if he can make it there. He has friends at school, belongs to clubs and fits in well, but I doubt he would meet his friends if he wasn't at school. There aren't any homeschool groups with teens here either. We are wondering if it would be just too lonely for him.




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yes, we live in a small town where there are few homeschoolers and the one small group...we don't fit their look and their activities aren't that great and very few.

We have lived here going on 4 years and my boys have NO friends. My kids are great kids, very normal. We attend church but had a very difficult time finding activities for middle school age boys. This is something that stays on my mind constantly and I have posted a couple times on forum about how sad it makes me. Our neighbors(all elderly) are my boys' closest friends but I wish they had just a couple boys to hang out with.

Is it just me but it seems soooo much harder to find friends than when I was a kid?


Our situation is different in that we have moved several times over the course of my kids' lives with my husband's job and I really think it makes a difference if you are from an area. Most people here seem to stick with friends that they grew up with or go to school with...I feel sorry for my kids.

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