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Looking for ideas/photos for an art/writing table


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I'm going to set up a little table for my daughter who loves to draw and write. She's been using our kitchen table which is made of glass and aspen wood but I need to make a special place for her to do all this without ruining the table.


I'm thinking easily accessible markers, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, crayons, pastels, but nothing too messy as this will be setup in a main living area. (Plus we do the messy stuff in the basement or outside.)


So I'm looking for some creative ideas, suggestions and maybe some photos of art centers. I know there's some blog out there that had some great ideas, but I just spent an entire night and couldn't find the link again. I did however, find this link, which has also been very inspiring!


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Ooh thanks, great links! They're very inspiring! Not sure I could ever be as stylish as some of these ladies, hehe.


That first HWT center is so super cute, but we're past the learning our letters and into the writing. My SIL also had a great idea for some chicken coop thing, turning it into a stylish piece of furniture.


The second link is giving me some great ideas...

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I think this can go on any table, and because its so cool and spins could encourage pick up of crayons and stuff.


You can get little kid tables and then put a vinyl table cloth on it to make it easy for clean up. If you sew, you could make these. They can hold paper and the like on the wall above the table.

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One more bump before I start working on this today!


Diana, I got the Ikea lazy susan and the $1 Target pails, so I'm set with that! I saw on a blog earlier today about the magnets, but I got a circular grippy thing so I don't think I need the magnets.


I cannot sew yet, but would love to learn soon. For now, I got some wall hanging things, also from Ikea. Those are cute though! Maybe someday...


I think what I'm looking for is Reggio Emilio-inspired spaces.

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