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Not Feeling 'Right'

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I had my weekly lidocaine infusion last night.


Something isn't quite right. The site is very, very tender/sore...normally its 'nothing'...a sub q needle. The nurse put the needle in vertically, rather than horizontally, and I *think* that's why its so sore, but I was feeling pressure/burning to the point of tears at the end, completely abnormal.


I have a sore/pressure feeling in my chest, to the back of my throat. I've been coughing a bit now and then, like I'm trying to clear my throat or chest. Head's fuzzy.


Wolf's napping at the moment, he gets up with the kids by 6 am. I intend to lay down once he's up.


I don't know if its due to the infusion, or if Wolf's brought home a nasty virus from his work, one of the guys is off with pneumonia.


I hate this crap. Its always something, it seems. Not knowing what it might be, the 'wait and see' if its just a weird reaction or something else, sucks. :banghead:

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Could be, Jean. I honestly don't know. I don't see my specialist til October, and if I call, I know he'll just offer to cancel the treatment, he doesn't get into other options, etc unless I'm there in front of him. Too many patients for him to be able to pull my file from his memory alone, and he won't diagnose or prescribe based on a phone call, usually. He's increased some things in btwn appts, but not a different med than I already have.


Arrrgggh. Googling isn't helpful. *Could* be lidocaine toxicity, could be a virus, who the heck knows. :glare:


My body sucks.

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From what I've been able to find, if it is the lidocaine, its not a severe side effect...a bit confusing, since what I've found is for rapid infusion, not sub q.


I've got research articles from the pharmacy around here somewhere. Going to see what they say, assuming I can find the 'safe place' I put them in...You know, that place so safe nobody ever sees it again? My camera is in one of those places around here somewhere...:lol::lol:

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