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Lightning Literature Speech

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We somewhat follow the state requirements for graduation because the college my dd will attend follows those guidelines.


One of the classes is called "communications technology" which to me is a fancy name for "speech class" ;). The description in the course catalog for the local high school sounds like speech class just under the title comm. tech.


I was hoping to use the LL Speech (already have it) for this particular requirement. Do you think it would do???

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not in depth, but Ive got some time before my hot date picks me up so I'll check it out.


The text used is Lend Me Your Ears by William Safire and it is HUGE. 2 inches thick and hardback with small print. So if volume determines worth, I got my moneys worth. I like the division and diversity of the speeches selected. I like that the book gives a very brief intro to the speech to give a frame of reference for the situation the speech was given under and addressing.


As for the lesson plans themselves, they are much smaller than the regular lightening lit guides, but this is one of their courses designed for ONE semester, rather than a full year, though it does give a schedule for stretching it out to a year.


The introduction is very nice. Explaining why one should read literature not necessarily of their own choosing, the importance of knowing how to write (and speak) towards the intended audience. I really like the section on pronoun confusion in writing. How to avoid first person, whether to use masculine or feminine or both or neither.


There are 4 Units, each with 2 lessons and a "perspectives".


Each unit has 3 papers assigned from the lessons. As long as at least one paper is from each lesson, the student can choose their papers from the options given.


In addition to the papers, they are expected to audio or video tape themselves reciting a full speech, either their own or one they have read that quarter.


To make it an honors english, they need to also do a book report each quarter. There is a nook list selection in an appendix.


Each unit starts with the reading selections and a brief introduction. Then there's a section they are supposed to use "While You Read" that explains the goal or focus of the lesson. For example, examining opening techniques to grab an audience's attention.


Next are some comprehension questions. I notice that not all of these are just comprehension though. For example, one of the questions is to write the opening of the speech from memory as best you are able.


This is followed by the literary lesson. They compare the different speeches and bring attention to details and common uses, such as antidotes, use of quotes, shock...


Then come those afore mentioned writing exercises to be used for their papers. It looks like every lesson ends with 4 or 5, so there's plenty of variety to choose from to get those 3 papers for each unit. I like them. They aren't vague "write an opening speech of your own". I hate those.


Choose any speech not used in this lesson and write a paper evaluating it's opening. Consider these questions ... As you write.


Imagine giving a sermon on giving to the poor. Write three different openings using three different methods. Write an additional paragraph explaining which you prefer and why.


Write a toast or eulogy for either someone you ow personally or someone famous you admire.


And there's a couple others..


The perspectives sections are short, only a page or two, short and to the point topics covering looking your best, sounding your best, and visual aids. They cover Dos and Don'ts of standing up to speak in front of people effectively and appropriately.


Answers to comp questions and suggestions for further discussion are in appendix a and b, additional reading suggestions are in appendix c, schedule suggestions for either a semester or a full year are in appendix d.


Over all, I think we will really enjoy it. It's clearly presented and doesn't look at all stressful to implement.


And my date just pulled up. Yippee. Who would have thought 20 years after we met, I'd still be excited to see him pull in the drive?:001_wub:

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Does it look like something that would work well as a 1x/week or 2x/month co-op class? What I'm envisioning is have the kids come together primarily for speeches. I don't want to actually "teach" the course as a class. I just want my dd and some other high schoolers to be able to come together and speak in front of each other with everybody on the same page as far as background goes.

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