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David Barton / Wallbuilders--Is he an "America is a Christian nation" advocate or ..?

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Janie, I like the posters and had *NO* idea that anyone would think them inappropriate. I saw them for what they are - no play on the Obama poster, no Glenn Beck, etc. I think they would be fine, but you and I both know *someone* will find fault. I would recommend getting approval from the powers that be and then just do it. Also, I'm pm'ing you about Wallbuilders.

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Judging from the first page of the link you posted he is VERY much in the "America as Christian nation" camp. What is the difference, to you, between that and 'founded on judeo-christian principles'?



They seem to have an agenda...that of foisting religion (only THEIRS, though!) on Americans. :glare:


That is NOT awesome!

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Thanks, Cyndi!


To me, the difference between the two is that America was founded on Judeo - Christian principles that stemmed from the Scriptures, thus, a theistic nation, but not founded as a Christian nation.


Many of our founding fathers were theistic: They believed in a being higher than themselves, but they were not in agreement that that being was the God of the Scriptures. Think Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin.


"God" meant, and means, many things. Christians believe in the God of the Scriptures, while, say, Muslims believe that Allah is god. So, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin would differ in particulars, but both would embrace the Judeo-Christian principles.


Hope this quick response didn't muddy the water, but my time is short. :)

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I get your point. No worries. Weren't some of the founding fathers deists, though? I think that the whole, "was founded on judeo-christian principles" thing is WAY over-stated and misunderstood.


It was always my understanding that the founding fathers wanted to create a nation that was founded, in part, on the notion of "freedom" and the desire to NOT have a national religion. They didn't want to be forced to be members of the church of England, right?


And I am fully acknowledging that I could be wrong, so if anyone wishes to point that out please be kind about it. I'm not a history know-it-all and I do NOT assume that just because I think something then it 'must be the truth', mmmkay?

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I'm not sure that David Barton believes America is a Christian nation *today*, but he makes a strong case for America's Christian heritage.


According to him, the majority of the Founding Fathers were decidedly Christian, not deists or theists as is the popular thought today. He goes into great detail (quoting original documents, etc) to prove this. For a small example of the top of my head, Christian church services were held every week in the US Capitol building for many years, and many of the founding fathers read through the Bible regularly. He uses many other examples to present what I think is a convincing case.

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