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Wheelock's Latin?

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I'm trying to stay a few steps ahead of my kids in Latin (and try to clear some cobwebs in my brain). I did take two years of it in high school - yes, that was 29 years ago! Anyway, I bought Wheelock's 6th edition revised and the workbook (3rd edition), but I can't seem to find a workbook answer key. Is there such a thing? Also, I'm wondering if anyone has a syllabus or a plan I can follow? This all seemed like such a good idea when I was ordering the books; now, I'm not so sure I can pull this off on my own!




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Hi Rene,


In either my workbook or text (I don't remember which, but I'm thinking it was the workbook) there was a page in the front that gave an e-mail address and said you could request the answers from the publisher.


I wrote, explained that I was a homeschool mom who wished to assist her kids, listed the text, edition, and ISBN number. I received an e-mail with a link to a website that contained the answers to the workbook as well as the translations to the exercises in the Wheelock's text.


This only took a few days. Some people have mentioned they never received a response, but if that happens, I would just try again.


As for a syllabus, ds took an online class , but it was essentially 10 chapters per semester. You can google and come up with various options, too.



Edited by Heather in AL
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I have been considering doing the Wheelock Latin. There is a study group and they do one chapter every 2 weeks. They already have about 3 study groups going right now, but I joined the list and emailed them and they said that if there is enough interest, they will start up another one. If you are interested, and we both made a request, perhaps they would start up another group.


Here is the link: http://www.quasillum.com/latin/latin-activities.php


Here's a Latin/Greek learning forum on a site with a lot of free resources. They have a whole section for Wheelock's.






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Here is a link for all Wheelock Textbook answers as well as all Wheelock Workbook answers. I would save them to your computer in case they ever get pulled off the internet. I'm sure they've been abused by folks who shouldn't have them, but they're a lifesaver for homeschoolers. I have found them very helpful in working with my oldest ds, who just completed ch. 1-24 of Wheelocks this year in an online class. Hope this is helpful. (You do have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to find what you're looking for.)



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Guest ssgrant6

Dale Grote, who wrote an excellent Study Guide to Wheelock's Latin, has made available on CD his college lectures on each of the 40 Chapters of Wheelock's Latin. His college email address is dagrote@uncc.edu. I would recommend contacting him to see if he is still making these lectures available on CD. They were extremely helpful to to watch on the computer.

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