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A Huge Weight Lifted - Had To Share

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So - last year my son decided he wanted to go back to PS for 8th and HS. We talked to the guidance counselor at the school and figured out the best way to go about it. The worst part - he had to take the FCAT for the first time this March. I refuse to teach to any test - so other than showing him how to bubble in the scan-tron form, and going over one practice test, we really didn't worry about it.

When he took the test, though, I was so worried that I had left him with a disadvantage over all the kids there who had had focused FCAT instruction (which I abhor).

Anyway - he was just accepted into the Advanced Algebra and Advanced Language Arts classes based on his scores!!!

I'm so relieved, and so happy that I didn't mess this up for him!:lol:

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