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Slight Panic... just posted for the first time on the Sale and Swap board....

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wow, I was just like that when I first started selling.


Like Heather said, it'll be easy.


Actually, you know what it becomes like?

It's like when you first start driving and you want to drive everywhere, then you get tired of it and groan when you think of having to go out once again.


I have so much stuff I want to sell and just can't bring myself to post.

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Hi Kathy!


Yes--- my son loves the accordion. :001_smile: He *was* taking lessons, but now he's taking two private piano lessons a week -- one classical and one jazz, so he can't have accordion lessons for a while. He does love it though and plays it a lot. A friend of ours has a guitar studio that used to be entirely an accordion studio many practice rooms for all the kids that were practicing at once! Can you imagine?? You're right - it's really rare to hear of anyone playing it these days. You should check out the band "Hypnotic Clambake" -- they're a cool band w/accordion.


It's so cool that your daughter likes it, too!


I have to admit that you might just catch us trolling the Lawrence Welk show looking for the accordion numbers.....

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I'll be honest. I've never looked at the Sale and Swap board until today. Holy Toledo! I am GEEKED!


I was just lamenting my lack of shelf space and all of the extra books we don't need anymore. I was also lamenting a hoped and planned for return trip to Disney that was starting to look "iffy" due round II of ds's orthodontic treatment ($1500 due next week with monthly payments for two years after that *gulp*:tongue_smilie:). Selling our old curriculum will definitely help. Woo!


Thanks for posting and making me take a look :001_smile:.

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