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My dd was accepted to her college of choice today.

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This is the 17 year old who completed both 11th & 12th grade this past year and graduated in June. She only applied to her college of choice and was accepted today. I am so proud of her. She will have completed an entire year by her 18th birthday. She also has a job, a car, a finance' and will be getting her own apartment in the fall. I can't believe how grown up and mature she is.


The 18 year old is working 12 hours a day, 5 days a week right now so she won't be starting college this fall but instead saving some money to go towards it next year. She also has a car and will be sharing an apartment with her sister. Unfortunately, she hasn't met a special someone yet and seems to be having a little bit harder of a time with this growing up stuff. But I am still proud and I am sure things will start coming together for her soon.


The 13 year old just found out today that she made the volleyball team this year. I am so excited for her. Turns out it is pretty expensive and they practice everyday that they don't have a game but she is hoping to get a sport scholarship so hoping this is pay off later.

Edited by KidsHappen
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