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Question for Moms Who've USed Omnibus 2 or 3.

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I've searched the forums, and haven't exactly seen my question answered, so I'll post a new thread.


My ds is starting 9th grade this year. I thought about starting with Omnibus 4 (since it begins with Ancients) and taking it slowly, spreading the Omnibus 4-6 books out over 4 years.


However, when I called Veritas Press to ask some other questions, they encouraged me to start ds in Omnibus 2, because he'd never done Omnibus before. "Omnibus 2 will give both of you an idea of what Omnibus is about. it's a better introduction."


That surprised me. I wouldn't mind starting with Om. 3, but if we start in 2, we wouldn't finish the series. We'd end up with Omnibus 5, and never get to Modern history, really. (Well, we would in OM. 3, I guess.)


My question is, if you've done Om. 2 and/or 3, do you see a benefit with starting in 2 instead of 3 or even 4? Was there a great difference in 2 and 3?


Does starting in Om. 2 make more sense than 3?


I'd really appreciate hearing from people who've used the series.


Thank you! :)

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My understanding is that the Omnibus 1, 2, and 3 are for 7th-9th grades, technically, and that 4, 5, and 6 are for 10th-12th grades, so they may be thinking that beginning with 4 would be difficult for your 9th grader. I have used 1 and 2 with 8th-11th grades; I have not used volume 3. Volume 2 was really interesting, I thought, but volume 3 didn't appeal to me as much, so we chose to go with 1 and 2. I also think that the later 3 volumes, 4-6, cover the same periods as the first 3, but at a higher level, so if you start with 2, you could go on and do 3, 4, maybe skip 5, and do 6. You don't have to do them all, either; you could look at each volume and pick the ones you would rather do. But I would think that with a 9th grader, you might want to start with either 1, 2, or 3. HTH, but I am no expert.

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Thank you all!


I'm trying to balance difficulty with completing the history cycle. I can understand not beginning with #4.


But starting back at #2 seems like it would give me too much ground to try and cover in 4 years. But skipping a year later on hadn't occurred to me. That may be a good option.



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