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When do you do your planning/prep. Does dh help watch kids?

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I thought I posted this the other day, but I can't find it anywhere. When do you do your planning and prep for the year/week. Do you do it during waking hours or when kids are asleep? I guess this is mostly for those with little ones who need to be watched. Does your dh help you watch the kids? I am always trying to cram it in after baby (toddler) goes to sleep, before he wakes, etc. I would love a few days (or more) during the summer ALONE to get ready for school.

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I do some rough planning during the summer when my little on is playing. I don't plan every detail, as I am more of a 'do the next thing' person. I plan the ancillary bits and pieces, putting sticky notes on the pages they correspond to. I also make a master list of my bits. Things like videos, websites, books and tie ins. As I go through the year, I use the rough planning and the sticky notes.


I don't need someone to take over with the family due to the limited planning that I do.

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I do everything at night, and plan during the summer and Christmas break when I can. When my kids were little I used to do a lot during nap time, or when they were engaged in playing and I could steal a few minutes. I never did formal lesson plans until they reached middle school. More like notes for me and Sunday night I printed a list on Excel fro them. My dh was never in a job where he could be depended on being home at a certain time so I did what I could.


Now that they are older I am still grading papers while watching TV each evening after the kids go to bed. Well, to their rooms, mom has quiet time after 930 during the week even though they are teens.

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I do a lot of the weekly planning in the evenings (after bedtime), but dh does help corral the boy for me when I need to get some serious planning done. It's really nice when he takes him out of the house entirely so that I can focus without noise or interruption.

Maybe your dh could take the kids to a playground or park for a couple of hours to give you some quiet planning time?

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DH is supposed to help??? :tongue_smilie: I do most of my planning in the evenings after work or on weekends when the kids are entertaining themselves. These are the roles that we play, and I choose to do this. I'm not upset by it at all. :001_smile:

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I don't have little ones so it is easier for me. I prep the next week's work while I am setting up Thursday's school day and finish it all up after school is over.


For the year, I prep in the mornings while the kids are waking up, in the evenings when we are watching TV or hanging out in the living room together as a family. I can prep the schoolwork and carry on a meaningful conversation at the same time. I've even brought things to the pool to look over and take notes on while my dds were swimming. I just sort of make time.


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