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Your favorite mechanical pencils?


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For my use, my favorite is the Pilot G-2. But they are rather expensive for kids to use, especially since they always lose them. What is your favorite for the kiddos to use? (Relatively inexpensive, but still a good quality.)



Edited by MangoMama
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Pentel twist-erase pencils. .7 for my younger children, and .5 for the older ones and me.

Pentel Twist-Erase has been my writing implement of choice for years now (I use .9 only) ... but I wonder whether it's too large for small hands. Before that I just used the Pentel Sharp mechanical pencils, which were great (although I would recommend a separate eraser).

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Thanks everyone! We've bought the Pentel Twist pencils in the past and I agree that they are pretty good. I wasn't sure if there were better ones out there, though... that's why I asked. :tongue_smilie: I'll probably stick with those! Thanks again!

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DS loves the PaperMate Clickster. It is a little larger and really comfortable to write with for long periods of time. My son in law got DS hooked on them when were in MN for a couple of months.


They can be a little pricey, but do got on sale. That's when we stock up.

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One of my kids insists on Pentel .e-Sharp 0.7mm. I think they were around $2 each. I appreciate that the erasers are replaceable.


One thing that drives me nuts: mechanical pencils with non-replaceable erasers. We end up throwing them out when the erasers are gone. It just seems like so much plastic waste.


I like the Pentel Flex-Fit 0.7mm, but mostly I use silver Ticonderogas (wood pencils).

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