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Do you pre-print assignment sheets or let kiddo fill in?


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Which way works better for you? I was all set to have kiddos fill in what they have done after the fact. I have set up our weekly filing system and will be using workboxes. Then I figured out I can plug everything into homeschool tracker and print out their assignment sheets already done for them with check off boxes. So what says the hive...............

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Guest aquiverfull

I have my dd's already filled in and she checks it off as she completes assignments. At the beginning of each year, I make quarterly plans. This helps me to see what needs to be done throughout the year and helps to keep us on schedule. Then at the beginning of every week I make a Weekly Assignment sheet. I have to do this weekly, because I found that when I did it too far in advance, I was having to cross off/change too many things. Either because we didn't get to something, or we had an unexpected doctor appointment, etc.


I use Donna Young's weekly planner. I just print it out and I write out the assignments at the beginning of each week and make a little square box for my dd to check it off. It works great for us.

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I have my dd's already filled in and she checks it off as she completes assignments. At the beginning of each year, I make quarterly plans. This helps me to see what needs to be done throughout the year and helps to keep us on schedule. Then at the beginning of every week I make a Weekly Assignment sheet. I have to do this weekly, because I found that when I did it too far in advance, I was having to cross off/change too many things. Either because we didn't get to something, or we had an unexpected doctor appointment, etc.


I use Donna Young's weekly planner. I just print it out and I write out the assignments at the beginning of each week and make a little square box for my dd to check it off. It works great for us.


I do the same thing (using Donna Young's planner), except I keep a master weekly schedule saved on my computer. When planning the year, I determine how many times per week they need to do each subject, and then assign them to days, depending on which days are shorter due to activities, etc. So, Monday may have "math, history, literature, composition" listed, each in it's own box, while Tues. might have "math, geography, science, art" Every week, I just print out the weekly master schedule and I only have to fill in the page or chapter numbers, taken from my quarterly plan.


I used Homeschool Tracker one year, but honestly, it took soooo long to enter all the assignments, trying to make the way I plan jive with the way the program worked. In the end, I would just refer to hstracker myself each weekend and fill in the page numbers on their weekly sheets as usual. It really wasn't worth the extra work.


I probably could have my kids fill in their own weekly sheets, as long as I have the quarter pre-planned.

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I'm having my kids use these planners this year. I am filling in the assignments for my 2nd grade ds, but he will check off that they are done. Dd in 8th grade will have a meeting with me every week to discuss her assignments so that she can plan out her week by herself.


The upper right corner of each day has 3 little boxes which will be used for checking off when done and recording grades.


I love that it will all be in one spiral bound book. I can easily find previous weeks' lessons and grades. I used HST (free version) for a while, but never really grew to like it.


I made my own master planner, but my weekly 2 page spread has a summary of each subject for the week, not the individual daily assignments.

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