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Pregnancy Question? Anyone have a boy when...

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The ultrasound tech said 80% chance of a girl? I am so frustrated right now. When I was pregnant with my dd her gender was a surprise to us because we got the ultrasound done in a place that didn't do gender reveal (I wasn't given the chose, and didn't realize I had to ask). My doctor specifically asked me this time if I wanted to know and I said yes. She said only two places in town will let you know and they would book me at one. I went today for my appointment and they didn't even have me in their system. I was there when she booked me for it and told me when and where. I now wonder if she booked me at another one and gave me the wrong place by mistake. Anyway they took me in and the technician did her thing, all the while I was trying to see if I could see anything. At the end of it when we asked, she said that they do detailed ultrasounds but don't specifically look for the gender. She said they hadn't had me on file (not my fault) that they couldn't tell me anything specific. I think she felt bad because I was frustrated and almost cried so she said she couldn't see anything between the legs, it would be an estimated 80% chance it is a girl. It seems to me everyone I know has no problems finding out the gender but for me in both cases it is this huge problem. So right now I am 19 weeks and 5 days pregnant with an 80% chance of having a girl.....but maybe not. :glare:

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My little boy was "supposed" to be a girl...and he is certainly not:tongue_smilie:!

I was told after a VERY long and thorough US (40min. just trying to look between the legs!) that there was "nothing"...so a girl...:lol:

Well, the next US, four weeks later, was very obvious: something between the legs!


I wish you a happy pregnancy...and a healthy girl or boy in the end!:)

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Why should it matter?


Isn't a healthy baby the important part?





It's not that I have a preference one way or the other, it would just be nice to be more prepared this time. Also the fact that this appointment was supposed to include the gender. I have been excited about it for the last month and a half waiting, to come out of the appointment knowing pretty much the same amount I went in with. It just seems to me in my experience that everyone else that I know has had no problems finding out, and I run into walls.

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I've had 4 and they were all correct on the gender. But one or two of those were pretty difficult to see and we had to come back for other ultrasounds (not only for gender but for other checks too) to get the final consensus. Sometimes the way the baby is laying it is hard to tell.

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I was told 100% girl on my oldest. They even called in a few u/s trainees to see the perfect picture they had to determine it was a girl. There was no doubt in their minds it was a girl. If you look at the u/s video you can clearly see the lines they look for when they say it's a girl. However at week 37 my ob was doing an u/s and he said looks like your girl grew a penis. He pointed out the penis and testicles and one week later at birth it was a boy.

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I am really surprised you have had so much trouble finding places that will tell you the gender. Everywhere we've lived that's just been standard.


That said, we were told by the doctor that it is not uncommon, especially in early ultrasounds, for a doctor to mistake a boy for a girl. If they see boy parts, it's probably a boy, but if they don't see boy parts, it might be a girl, but it also might be a boy that they just didn't see the parts on... so unless you have several ultrasounds that show the baby is a girl, it's probably best to think it's probably a girl, but could be a boy.

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With my oldest, the tech said she thought the baby was a girl but couldn't tell for sure. The clinic offered to let us come back for a 2nd u/s at no additional charge (we were paying out of pocket b/c DH was in the Army at the time and the base clinic did not do routine u/s). However, I didn't feel like taking off work and driving the 45 miles one-way to town just to confirm the gender. I bought lots of yellow & green but she did turn out to be a girl.


With my DS, it was really obvious.

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I did! My last child was 90% girl on two ultrasounds, but I didn't have the feeling it was a girl so my dh splurged for a 3D one so that I could be sure (good man... he has learned to go with my intuition over facts) and that one showed his little "package" in 3D so no mistaking it.

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Sometimes, even with the best equipment, they just don't get a good enough view to tell the gender. We wanted to know with our third because we were moving into a new house and the gender would determine who would be sharing a room. Baby just didn't cooperate...oh well.


And I will agree with a previous poster that the purpose of the ultrasound is to check baby's health and development, NOT GENDER. My first-born is severely disabled because her brain did not divide correctly, so for my next two pregnancies my doctor sent me to the big out of town hospital for their better equipment and specialists. It drove me crazy when anyone was asking about the gender because I wasn't going to the doctor to find out baby's gender but to see if the brain divided correctly. While knowing this condition in advance would only help parents to be more prepared at birth, there are many other conditions that can be treated in utero or at birth if revealed by an ultrasound.


So I've experienced both sides of this one...being mildly disappointed at not knowing which gender to be prepared for but also completely understanding that that is not the purpose for this medical procedure. Incidentally, for my first we were told "50% chance it's a girl". Umm, I could have told you that without an ultrasound! Her birth defect was not seen, but this was just using the ultrasound in the doctor's office--not as good.

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I've never been to a place that *didn't specifically check gender (unless told not to). That said, I had my anatomy scan this afternoon, and the tech couldn't tell AT ALL. I have an uncooperative baby!


I happen to know the sex b/c I had CVS testing done, but now I'm kinda bummed, thinking it might have been neat to finally have one of those "OMG, it's a <enter gender here>!" deliveries. ;)


It stinks to not know when you want to know, and know when you don't want to.


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One of my friends was told her first baby was a girl...and HE ended up coming home from the hospital in pink clothes because that was all she had for the baby....the next pregnancy she was again told it was a girl, but this time she had both pink and blue outfits in her hospital bag, and HE came home in blue. :001_smile:

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Apparently, if 'they' say it's a boy, there's a small chance they could be wrong. However, if you're told it's a girl, there's a MUCH higher chance they'll be wrong. Given that she wasn't even sure of that, I wouldn't put much stock in it.


How disappointing, I'm sorry.

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