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History Odyssey ... Review?


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Is there a thread on here or a place that will review the history odyssey for me? I've already ordered my history books, and then I stumbled across this, and it looks really... well, what I want, lol. I tried to search, but typing in history odyssey brings up a ton of posts, and typing the " " around it doesn't narrow it down for some reason. I just wonder if anyone is using this and can give me their thoughts; I'd be using level 2 Ancients...

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I love HO. :001_wub: DD is working through HO Ancients, and it's been perfect for her. The only downside I've found to HO is that it's hard to have my kids on the same time period, because HO Ancients was too easy for my oldest but HO Early Modern was too difficult for dd. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them. :001_smile:

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We used HO Level 2 Ancients last year.



1. Everything is laid out and scheduled.

2. Good maps to label.



1. There's no instruction on how to do anything, it just says "write a one level outline" or "write a brief biography of Alexander the Great."

2. There's not enough literature (YMMV).

3. There's no comprehension or discussion questions or anything to go with the literature. It simply says, "Lesson 4: Begin reading Theras and His Town. Try to read 2 chapters a day until you're done.":001_huh:


We did Sonlight the 2 years previous to trying HO so I was coming from something VERY heavy on the literature and we missed that. I was hoping to "kick it up a notch" with HO and the lack of discussion really didn't help that.


Lots of people on here use HO and love it. Hopefully they'll chime in to give you a different perspective.:)

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I read at the HO website that they hoped to come out with a book that would essentially be a parent's manual - how to outline, writing summaries etc. I don't know how far along they are ....whether it's soon or years down the road. I will be using HO Ancients level 2 I think this year. I will also be using K12 Human Odyssey along w/ the teacher guide and student guides but I have to sit down w/ each and see which will be the support and which will be the spine. I like HO for giving me that Well Trained Mind method of logic stage history but laid out for me. I think I will mainly use K12 HO for the text (outlining and summarizing) and the discussion questions. I will use WTM and other's lists posted here for literature.

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I am using HO Modern Level 1 with SOTW AG. I love it. Is there something particular you need to know? I like the layout. The weekly lesson/coverage is included. It is designed like a checklist. Overall, I like that I do not need to add much. We use the extra reading. We also investigate more when needed, which is not often more than some internet researches and videos. I found RR has the best price and everything we need in one stop.

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We have been using History Odyssey for 2 years and will continue with it this year for 3rd grade. I love the layout of it, the structure is there but there is room for us to explore as we want. My dd loves the activities, loves the suggested books, and is completely engaged by the way we are doing this. She tells everyone history is her favorite subject. Any specific questions?



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