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Can you compare Gods Design for Science to Christian kids explore science

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I am into chemistry and physics mainly. (Gods Design for the Physical world also for Gods design) What one dives deeper in terms of info learned, and which one is more readable?


What one would you recommend?


If you have only used on of these, can you tell me about the one you have used? Thanks

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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God's Design definitely has more info.


I used Christian Kids Explore Biology and there just wasn't enough info. It's a good spine if you want to put in the time and effort to searching living books and such. I don't have THAT much extra time.


We now own God's Design for Chemistry & Heaven and Earth. We haven't really started using them (waiting to finish 106 Days of Creation Studies) but the amount of information is perfect. I can supplement or not and it's very readable.

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God's Design definitely has more info.


I used Christian Kids Explore Biology and there just wasn't enough info. It's a good spine if you want to put in the time and effort to searching living books and such. I don't have THAT much extra time.


We now own God's Design for Chemistry & Heaven and Earth. We haven't really started using them (waiting to finish 106 Days of Creation Studies) but the amount of information is perfect. I can supplement or not and it's very readable.



Thank you VERY much. That is just what I was looking for! :001_smile:

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Guest janainaz

I am not familiar with Christian Kids... but I have used God's Design for Science for 4 years and I love it.


It is thorough, there are plenty of hands-on projects and is very easy to teach. The re-design now offers a workbook that is in color and it also comes with a teachers manual.


It's a great curriculum for science IMO.

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