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NY'rs Am I missing anything in my IHIP??

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Here's a copy of my IHIP so far.. Its for 5th grade level. Please take a look if you dont mind and let me know what you think. Its the first one Ive written and dont want to leave anything out.

Thank you!


OH also do you include extras like foriegn languages? etc. and how do you place them? thanks





DOB: 8/26/2000 GRADE LEVEL: 5 SCHOOL YEAR: 2010-2011





11/15/09, 1/30/10, 4/15/10, 6/30/10


M will be using various methods/tools for 5th-grade instruction in all the subjects specified in Section 100.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. The corresponding subtopics may include and are not limited to:


Reading and writing numbers to 10 places, Mixed numbers, set of integers, Numeration systems, Addition, subtraction,multiplication,division of whole numbers, Fundamental processes: whole numbers and common fractions,Common and decimal fractions, Decimals to the thousandths, Ratio and percent, exponents, customary and metric measurements, Extension of geometric concepts,word problems in daily life, charts and graphs: picture,bar,line,and circle graphs, concept of sampling.

Instruction Books:

Life of Fred Fractions and Life of Fred Decimals & Percents. Spectrum Math and ixl.com.

English Language:

(Reading, Writing, Spelling) Silent and oral reading, Types of literature, Presenting original plays, listening skills, Dictionary use for word meaning,analysis,spelling, Common homonyms, Homophones and homographs, Synonyms and antonyms, Using a thesaurus, Spelling, Plurals and possessives, Kinds of sentences, Parts of sentences, Cursive handwriting, Outlining, Paragraph writing, Writing letters, stories, reports, poems, plays, Preparing a simple bibliography, Proofreading skills, Parts of a newspaper, using study materials: keys, tables, graphs, charts, legends, library catalogs, index, table of content, reference materials, maps.

Instruction Books:

Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Includes grammar,reading, vocabulary,spelling and composition. Also includes 4 book studies- Farmer Boy,Trumpet of the swan, Meet Addy, & Caddie Woodlawn), Journal Prompts, Spelling workout E. Various independent readers & read alouds.

Social Studies:

(U.S. History, Geography) Exploration and discovery, Establishment of settlements in the New World, Colonial life in America, Pioneer life in America, Revolutionary War in America, Westward movement in America, Industrial and cultural growth, Democracy’s principles and documents, Life in the U.S. and its possessions, Geography of the U.S., Natural resources of the U.S., Canada and Mexico, Relationship between the U.S. and Canada, Comparative cultures of Canada, Countries and cultures of the Western Hemisphere: Central America, West Indies, South America, Map and globe skills.

Instruction Books:

America’s Story Book 1&2 Steck-Vaughn , Daily Geography Practice – Steck-Vaughn



Biological adapations, Biotic communities, Animal and plant classification, Fish, Reptiles, Bacteria, Molds, Trees, Plants and their food, Conservation, Cells, Human Body, Landforms, Properties of air and water, Time and seasons, Temperature and thermometers, Magnetic fields, Use and control of electricity, Conduction and convection, light and optics, force systems, Chemical systems, Sun and solar system, Space and space exploration, Scientific method and scientific inquiry.

Instruction Books:

Scott Foresman Science, various readers and internet sources for experiments.

Health & Safety:

Dental hygiene, water supply, sewage disposal, eye care, Nutrition and diet, diseases, Germ-bearing insects and pests, Community health resources, Elementary first aid, Bicycle and water safety, Preparing for puberty, Human reproduction, substance abuse.

Instruction Books:

Health & Safety Curriculum by Fischer. We will also cover these through day-to-day activities and discussion.

Music/ Art :

We will explore music history and a variety of musical genres, and plan to introduce piano and guitar lessons. We’ll also explore art history and a variety of art mediums.

Physical Education:

Daily walks, Biking, Hooping, Jump-roping, Swimming, Tennis, Dance, & Seasonal sports – Soccer & Softball.

Instruction methods/tools may include and shall not be limited to: reference materials (atlas, dictionaries, globe, maps, encyclopedias, non-fiction books, videos, the internet), workbooks, worksheets, hands-on activities, experiments, projects, newspapers, magazines, frequent field trips, classic/contemporary literature, research, journal/narrative/essay/poetry writing, games, creative thinking, predicting/forecasting, gathering facts, written peer correspondence (pen pals), music CDs, CD ROMs, , abundant art supplies (clay, paint, crayons, pencils, sketchpads, felt, chalk, etc.), free play, conversations, and real life.


Primary instruction will be provided by L………………. Supplemental instruction will be provided by others, as necessary.

Edited by Maddysmom26
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I do add foreign language at the fifth grade level because if my child should have to go back to school, they will place him according to what his IHIPs say he has done. I don't want him in first year French if he has four years of Latin and two years of Greek. I pretend it's another required subject and add it in at the end, written in the same format as the others.


Here's my typical header.


Individualized Home Instruction Plan


Name: Child O. Mine DOB: 00/00/97

Address: 91 Old Homeschoolers Road

Place, NY 12345


District: This-City Grade: 7



Dates for Submission of Quarterly Reports


First Quarter: 11/10/2008 Third Quarter: 03/30/2009

Second Quarter: 01/19/2009 Fourth Quarter: 06/30/2009



You can, and this year I am going to attempt to, put only book titles. The regs say we can choose between plan of instruction, OR syllabi, OR materials used, OR a list of textbooks. List of textbooks seems the easiest route to me. It could be as simple as the following, then.


Science: Science: Order & Reality; A Beka Book, Pensacola, FL


History: History of the World; A Beka Book, Pensacola, FL

Maps, Charts & Graphs E; Modern Curriculum Press, Parsippany, NJ


And so on for the other required subjects.


Your IHIP looks perfectly acceptable in terms of content. You may want to go over it with a fine toothed comb for punctuation. You should not capitalize your subtopics and you appear to be missing spaces between them after each comma. Submittal isn't a real word; you want submission. You don't need a dash between 5th and grade, but you should always write out a number (fifth, not 5th) that's under twenty-one in informal writing and pretty much always in formal writing, which is what this is. My last nitpick is that you shouldn't write "instruction books". That's what we use to help us play a board game. Use "instructional materials" or textbooks. Format the titles as you see above.


Good luck! If you can write an IHIP, you are clearly qualified to homeschool. It's like taking an entry test. :lol:

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Thank you Rose!


I appreciate you comments! Thats what I wanted to be sure the basic content was right and then Ill go back and finecomb it! ;)


Thank you so much! Ive used a few samples from online and blogs that people here recommended. So that helped, Now I'll go back and edit.


SO with the textbook lists do you list the title and then the publisher??

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Pretty much just seconding what dragons said, and offering a copy of my own 5th grader's IHIP (from last year). You can see that I try to only list names of books where necessary - I also tend to shy away from saying that a book will be completed (unless I am super sure - like math, where he was already half way through the book) since you have to do something like 80 percent of what you say you will do.


The only thing I would add to yours is what you are doing for end of year evaluation - you can choose at this age standardized tests or a written narrative.


I didn't include Latin in 5th grade, but did in 6th. I'm not really sure what my reason is for that, other than ps kids are getting to the age where they start languages.


J is currently ten years old, and will be working on a fifth grade level. Instruction will be provided by Dad's name and Mom's name The school year will begin on August 1, 2009. Quarterly Reports will be submitted on November 18,, January 27, April 7, and June 23 of the current school year. Annual assessment will be done by written narrative..



Arithmetic: Jacob will complete Saxon Math 6/5.


English Language:

• Language Arts – Jacob will use A Beka Language B (5th Grade level)

• Spelling - Jacob will work daily at his level in Spelling Power

• Reading – Jacob will read several excellent historical books this year from Sonlight’s core 3 and core 4 programs.


Social Studies Jacob will work through the second half of Sonlight Introduction to American History Part I and the first half of Introduction to American History Part II, utilizing The Story of the USA book 2, 3, and 4, Landmark History of the American People and various other books.


Science:. Jacob will use Apologia’s Botonay program along with some zoology study.


Art: Jacob will learn some art history, and do a lot of drawing. He will participate in monthly co-op art classes.


Music: Jacob will be exposed to a variety of classical and jazz music. He will participate in family music times on rhythm instruments (like a hand drum).


Physical Education: Jacob is given ample opportunity for walks and other physical activities, such as bike riding, on a daily basis. He participates in weekly relay games at his AWANA club and monthly in a co-op gym class. He will also continue his karate studies.


Health: Jacob will learn about how to eat healthy. He will how to keep sickness from spreading and how to live a healthy lifestyle.

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SO with the textbook lists do you list the title and then the publisher??


Basically, yes, and the town so they can track it down if they want to do so.


There's a good guide here to what to do when books have authors rather than a committee of them. Trumpet of the Swan will be formatted different from any Abeka book because of that, for example.

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I don't list anything but the name of the book. That is all that is required. If they aren't familiar with a book they have a right to ask you for a copy of the table of contents. My district is really easy going, but my sister (who was in a different district in New York) did have to copy the table of contents once.

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I don't list anything but the name of the book. That is all that is required. If they aren't familiar with a book they have a right to ask you for a copy of the table of contents. My district is really easy going, but my sister (who was in a different district in New York) did have to copy the table of contents once.



That is what I originally thought to do, but Im hearing that people do different things.. So then its like hmm what to do. So what I did is what others did copy the world book curriculum guide. Then I added the texts that we would be using. Im sure it does just depend on your district.


THis is my first one , and I have not heard a word from them since I sent the LOI, so I dont know what they will be like.. After pulling her from that school for many reasons but one being the administration was horrible.. It could go either way for me~! So Im just going to have to go with it and see what happens.

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Are you suppose to list out all those subtopics?


Originally I thought NY'rs told me on here that all I had to do was list the instruction materials/textbooks.

THen as I asked for samples, others suggested that listing the subtopics from the world book covers all areas that are needed for that grade level.

so you are sure to include all that is needed.


I added the textbooks in also because I just thought that the school would want to know what we are using to cover those topics.


This is my first IHIP so I could be way off. It seems as though everyone does it slightly different.

I think it was cityschooling blog that does the subtopics from world book.

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I only list subject and book/ books we are going to use.


Math...CLE level 300...Christian Light Publications

Reading...CLE level 200 (last 2 units), Level 300



History: Story of the World Vol. 3 final 8 chapters

Story of the World Volume 4 first 1/2


Music and Art integrated with History



I also include a statement: Due to the nature of homeschooling, this plan is subject to change at any time.


That covers my heinie should we go off in another direction.


I suggest you keep it as simple as possible. Let them ask for more if they want it...otherwise, why bother? There is so much else that has to be done, I try not to be bogged down in paperwork. This is my 16th year, and I have never had any issues with my 1 page ihip's or quarterly reports. Think report card and curriculum LIST. That is all that is required. Don't exhaust yourself on the small stuff. Good Luck to you!


Oh also,

For our report dates, I separated the year into 4 parts...not including July & August...so my dates are:


11/15, 1/31, 4/15, 6/30.


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I only list subject and book/ books we are going to use.


I suggest you keep it as simple as possible. Let them ask for more if they want it...otherwise, why bother? There is so much else that has to be done, I try not to be bogged down in paperwork. This is my 16th year, and I have never had any issues with my 1 page ihip's or quarterly reports. Think report card and curriculum LIST. That is all that is required. Don't exhaust yourself on the small stuff. Good Luck to you!


Oh also,

For our report dates, I separated the year into 4 parts...not including July & August...so my dates are:


11/15, 1/31, 4/15, 6/30.



Thank you, I think I will go back and simplify it a bit more. They can always ask for more as you said.

I havent even thought about what goes into the reports yet.. ugh.. lol.;)

Just trying to get through this part.


Curious .. do you do grades ?

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For my IHIP I just list the curriculum we are planning on using and do not give that much detail.


Mine look something like:



History: Sonlight core 2, Patriotic Songs and symbols

LA: Sonlight core 2 intermediate readers, Grammar Songs

Math: Horizons Math 3





The dates for the quarterlies can be anything that you want. The district will probably send "suggestions" with their paper work. I usually choose a date at the end of Oct., the beginning of Feb., mid/end April, end of June. I tend to pick Mondays so I can work on them over the weekend and then dh will either email or fax them over to the district.

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ANother thing Im wondering about is the Dates for the Quarterly REports??

Seems like everyones are a little different??


When do you all send yours and what is your reasoning ? Just wondering if certain dates make life easier! lol ;)



The school district is required by law to send you a packet of information back after they get your letter of intent. Inside of mine there's always a school year calendar. Some years (often years in which I had a kid in public school) I have made my reporting dates correspond to the report card dates. Other years (years in which I school year-round rather than Sept-Jun) I have used dates that I can easily remember.

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Curious .. do you do grades ?


Our district sent us an interesting letter this year. Here's what it said.


Content Performance Scale Marking Key


The following Content Performance Scale Marking Key is based on New York State Standards. Standards and Core Curriculum for each grade level and subject area are available on the New York State Education Department website http://www.nysed.gov


4: Meets grade level content standards with high quality work

3: Meets grade level standards with proficient work

2: Progressing towards meeting grade level content standards

1: Not meeting grade level content standards

N/A: not assessed at this time


I don't teach according to NYS Standards so ::shrug::. I guess I can send them back a letter saying so.

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They never sent me the packet. But at least they don't bother me either. ;)



I have not received anything from the school, I sent the LOI over a month ago!


I did receive a letter today from the school bus garage saying my daughter would be riding a different bus this year. Hmmm ? This is just one reason why shes not returning.. No one seems to be on the same page at that school. :001_huh:

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I have not received anything from the school, I sent the LOI over a month ago!


I did receive a letter today from the school bus garage saying my daughter would be riding a different bus this year. Hmmm ? This is just one reason why shes not returning.. No one seems to be on the same page at that school. :001_huh:



Be careful! Under those circumstances I would walk in to the district offices with my LOI and ask for a copy that was stamped with the date or signed by whoever received it. Our school district is loopy like this too. We had the truancy officer show up and threaten to involve CPS because "your paperwork was never sent in."

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Be careful! Under those circumstances I would walk in to the district offices with my LOI and ask for a copy that was stamped with the date or signed by whoever received it. Our school district is loopy like this too. We had the truancy officer show up and threaten to involve CPS because "your paperwork was never sent in."




I did send it certified mail, and I checked 2 see that they did sign for it. I will probably call and double check & let them know they need to notify the bus garage.

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Hi there. I have always found it easier to list topics and general subtopics on my IHIP because no matter what resources we used that year, we would most certainly cover most of that list. The detail in the IHIP allows for very brief quarterlies and assessment narrative - I don't have to reiterate what we've been doing.


Listing books with this IHIP is completely unnecessary and makes more work for yourself.


I usually never list foreign language - or I put it under the Language Arts category. When it came time for my dd to apply for public high school, I created a transcript that had nothing to do with my IHIP.


Stating what you'll be using for year-end evaluation is not required on the IHIP. Some people put in on the third quarterly. I don't put it at all.


I use the quarterly dates suggested by the district. I made up my own for a long time (figuring the exact dates that were 2 months and 1 week apart), but it was easier to follow theirs.


Mine is just an easy example to follow. It's good for new homeschoolers who stress and good for old-timers who want to crank out something quickly. It's easily tweakable and always in compliance.


My district (NYC) sends out our packets before we even send out the LOI. I got my packet (regs, forms, metrocard app) the first week of July. Then a week later I sent my 4th quarterly, annual assessment, and LOI. :tongue_smilie:


It's true though. Don't sweat the paperwork. If they need something more, just send it. Just check the SED's Q&As to make sure the district is not overstepping their boundaries. My district changed directors so many times and each one asked for different things (like a copy of the standardized test results instead of just me stating that dd scored above the 33rd %ile). No biggie.


Good luck and have a great homeschooling year!

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This is what I've been doing for 18+ years.



Ok I decided to go back and simplify and just use the texts. Here is a revised plan. Please let me know if this is okay.





Individualized Home Instruction Plan

Name: M

DOB: 08/26/2000

Address: Po

District: ggggg Grade: 5

School Year 2010-2011


Dates for Submission of Quartly Reports

First Quarter: 11/15/09 Second Quarter: 1/30/10 Third Quarter: 4/15/10 Fourth Quarter: 6/30/10

M will be using various methods/tools for 5th-grade instruction in all the subjects specified in Section 100.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

Arithmetic Textbooks: Life of Fred Fractions; Polka Dot Publishing, Reno,Nevada

Life of Fred Decimals & Percents; Polka Dot Publishing, Reno,Nevada

Spectrum math grade 5; Frank Schaffer Publications, Columbus,Ohio

English Language (Reading, Writing, Spelling) Textbooks:

Learning Language Arts Through Literature; Common Sense Press, inc., Melrose,FL

Journal prompts; The Mailbox Books, Greensboro,NC

Spelling workout E; Modern Curriculum Press,Parsippany,NJ

Social Studies (U.S. History, Geography) Textbooks:

America’s Story Book 1 & 2 ; Harcourt Achieve Inc., Austin,TX

Weekly Geography Practice; Steck-Vaughn Company

Science Textbooks:

Scott Foresman Science; Pearson Education, Inc., Glenview,Ill

Health & Safety Textbooks:

Health & Safety Curriculum; Frank Schaffer Publications, Columbus,Ohio

We will also cover these through day-to-day activities and discussion.

Music/ Art : We will explore music history and a variety of musical genres, and plan to introduce piano and guitar lessons. We’ll also explore art history and a variety of art mediums.

Physical Education: Daily walks, biking, hooping, jump-roping, swimming, tennis, dance, seasonal sports, soccer & softball.

Foreign Language: German, using various resources.

Instruction methods/tools may include and shall not be limited to: reference materials (atlas, dictionaries, globe, maps, encyclopedias, non-fiction books, videos, the internet), workbooks, worksheets, hands-on activities, experiments, projects, newspapers, magazines, frequent field trips, classic/contemporary literature, research, journal/narrative/essay/poetry writing, games, creative thinking, predicting/forecasting, gathering facts, written peer correspondence (pen pals), music CDs, CD ROMs, , abundant art supplies (clay, paint, crayons, pencils, sketchpads, chalk, etc.), free play, conversations, and real life.


Primary instruction will be provided by her mother, Lindsay B . Supplemental instruction will be provided by others, as necessary. Due to the nature of homeschooling, this plan is subject to change at any time.

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I think you're looking fine:thumbup1:


As for dates, I usually count out 10 week periods for my "end of marking period" and then add a week or two to that to give myself time to get the reports out. Legally, you are just required to have four dates that are logically spaced out... so you can't do all 4 quarter reports in June. At least in my district, they didn't notice a missing report until it was 9 weeks late last year (OOOPS!), and then they were very nice about it.


And I don't generally give out grades yet (ds going into 6th) sometimes I will mention his test score average in math. But my quarter reports generally say things like "We studied fractions, decimals and long division." And "Jacob continues to struggle with spelling but is moving closer to grade level."

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I think you're looking fine:thumbup1:



Great thanks for that info.


OH im also wondering if you send just the report as I have it written or do you enclose it with like a cover letter adressed to the superintendant?



Thanks again. I will be so glad when this part is over with , then I can stress about the first quarterly! lol..


... then next year I can say what was I stressing about this is easy peasy! ;)

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I don't send a cover letter. When (or maybe if) you get a response to your letter of intent it should tell you who to send it to. It is usually an administrative director or something like that.


I do, however, write "homeschool quarter report enclosed" or "home instruction plan enclosed" on the envelope. I figure that once it's opened it's more likely to get misplaced so I want to land in the right hands right away. But, that's just me.

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I don't send a cover letter. When (or maybe if) you get a response to your letter of intent it should tell you who to send it to. It is usually an administrative director or something like that.


I do, however, write "homeschool quarter report enclosed" or "home instruction plan enclosed" on the envelope. I figure that once it's opened it's more likely to get misplaced so I want to land in the right hands right away. But, that's just me.



Okay. I will just mail it to the Superintendant. Its a very small district k-12 so i'll direct it the same as I did the LOI.


Really appreciate your help~!! thanks ;)

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  • 11 years later...

Good afternoon I notice a lot of the conversation on this forum goes back to 2010. I have just enrolled my 10th grade daughter into ‘‘Time4Learning” online virtual homeschooling curriculum. I am probably overthinking how to create my IHIP, hoping to get some feedback as to how I should summarize her curriculum without going into too much unnecessary detail. 
This is a self-paced program, strictly online.

Thank you and I’m hoping someone is able to provide direction!

Christine L.

NY State

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On 10/20/2021 at 4:20 PM, Christine L. said:

Good afternoon I notice a lot of the conversation on this forum goes back to 2010. I have just enrolled my 10th grade daughter into ‘‘Time4Learning” online virtual homeschooling curriculum. I am probably overthinking how to create my IHIP, hoping to get some feedback as to how I should summarize her curriculum without going into too much unnecessary detail. 
This is a self-paced program, strictly online.

Thank you and I’m hoping someone is able to provide direction!

Christine L.

NY State

This thread is old, but there are lots of helpful people here still. Starting your own, new post might help you get more eyes on your question. I'm not from NY, so I can't help with that, but welcome to the forum!

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On 7/30/2010 at 1:02 PM, Maddysmom26 said:

That is what I originally thought to do, but Im hearing that people do different things.. So then its like hmm what to do. So what I did is what others did copy the world book curriculum guide. Then I added the texts that we would be using. Im sure it does just depend on your district.

The rule of thumb is not to provide more than is specifically required. The law says to provide "a list of your syllabi, curriculum materials, textbooks, or plan of instruction." Also, in NY, the law is the same for all districts; individual districts do not have the right to require more than/different from what the law specifies.

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