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another computer usage question...I NEED your help!!!!!!!

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The other computer usage question got me thinking about a struggle we have in our home...


I have 3 kids and they love to play on the computer. But we are pretty strict as to how much screen time (of any sort) they get. I want to use the computer this year as an incentive for doing their school work with a good attitude and also for helping with school (math facts, spelling words etc). BUT, where our trouble begins is when they want to watch eachother on the computer (so they are getting screen time, even though they are not in control of the keyboard and mouse) and since the computer is in the common area of our living/working space, there is great potential for it to interfer with schoolwork, piano, etc.


SO...my question is, does anybody else have these situations and how do you work around them?


Thanks so much for any and all ideas.



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We are in the same boat, sister! I have told the dc many times that if they watch each other that that will count as THEIR screen time. When you have 5dc wanting to play, that could end up to like 2-3 hrs a day! Um, no.


The problem is that if I am not in the room or nearby, they will try to sneak to watch each other and that gets SO old, lol! This is why I am working on finding a system that takes me out of the picture.


No great answers yet, but I am working on it!



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