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How I filed Sonlight Readers


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I made 36 bookmarks by cutting cardstock. I have a surplus of cardstock or I would use cereal boxes or something else.


I jotted down the reading assignments for the week on each bookmark. And then filed the bookmarks by week. I also filed the actual books by the week they are supposed to start.

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I made 36 bookmarks by cutting cardstock. I have a surplus of cardstock or I would use cereal boxes or something else.


I jotted down the reading assignments for the week on each bookmark. And then filed the bookmarks by week. I also filed the actual books by the week they are supposed to start.


Oooohhh! I LOVE this idea! Thank you for sharing. I might have to borrow your idea.

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AO yahoogroups files has some samples of this done, but for AO books of course.


They took the reading schedule and printed it so that it could be cut and used one week at a time. On the schedule is each book and the pages to be read. I think they have it done by book, can't remember exactly.


I did this last year over two weeks, printed the schedules out and was going to keep them in the books, then we decided against AO, lol.


I also thought of using library pockets and doing it on index cards. This would work in this instance too, and be cheaper than cardstock and easier than cereal boxes, right?

Just thinking out loud...

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Okay wait...

are we talking one bookmark for the whole week or one bookmark per book?


I was thinking per book, but now looking back thought the OP was only doing weekly seeing as there were only 36 bookmarks.


This would mean my child would hold onto the bookmark for the week :)))))):D

oh wait, that's not soo funny, :001_huh:


help me work this out in my head,


I'd like to do 36 file folders with their paperwork in it using the schedule sheet SL gives.

Then I want my children to have some sort of weekly accountability form to know what math lessons, writing assignment etc. If I just do the bookmark, they won't have that...

I dislike planning, some of you love it. Not me :bigear:

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Then I want my children to have some sort of weekly accountability form to know what math lessons, writing assignment etc. If I just do the bookmark, they won't have that...

I dislike planning, some of you love it. Not me :bigear:


This doesn't work for us, how do you know if your child will understand easily and skate through math that week or struggle and you spend an extra few days on more practice until they get it? I can see for reading schedules if you really want to keep on a strict track, but I can't see this for all subjects, there are to many variables that would throw it all off in this house. :tongue_smilie: Maybe it's just because I'm juggling more kids?


My younger kids might like the bookmark idea. My older DD reads at her own pace, forget the schedule, it's all about her interest level as long as it gets done in the time frame assigned.

Edited by melmichigan
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Great things to think on. I id with the comment of not knowing if stuff will take longer than scheduled. Maybe that's why my schedules never work ?? :)

Ugh, like I said I have a sincere dislike for planning :)

Thanks for chatting.

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I'm filing different subjects in different manners. For reading only in SL, I did 1 bookmark a week. I basically did a quick copy of SL's schedule onto a bookmark with check boxes for each day.


My kids are rarely to never behind on the SL reader portion. If anything, they want to skip ahead and finish early so I don't anticipated a "getting behind" issue. Once the week is over, they will put the bookmark in a zippered pencil pouch inside their LA binder.


But my daughter's science - that is done by a time limit. I made a "fill in what you did today" type of sheet for Math & The Cosmos. Each sheet has room for the week's assignments that she completes. I expect her to file that sheet along with her work in her science binder. There is one of these blank assignment sheets (Math & Cosmos is written at the top) in each of the 36 weekly folders.


I'll likely do something very similar for my son's Miquon.


I have not figured out how I'm going to file the Read-Alound and History portions. Those we do tend to get behind in from time to time so I'll have to make sure my system for that subject has flexibility. I'll post when I figure out that part :tongue_smilie:

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