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Welcome to the boards. I also spent a lot of time lurking on the boards before becoming active. Now I spend even MORE time here! :tongue_smilie:


How old are your children? Do you homeschool (or plan to..) completely classical, or classical with a mix of others? What curriculums do you use?

Where are you from?


Feel free not to answer any that you aren't comfortable with... I'm just nosy and like knowing what others are using! :D

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I have a ds7, a dd ALMOST 6, ds 2 1/2, and dd 9 months.


In a perfect world I would be homeschooling classically, but I'm just doing the best we can. :)


My oldest is using: CLE math, Abeka Language and spelling (the spelling at the very least will change), ARFH, SOTW1, lots of books and some experiment kits


My dd is finishing up Abeka's handbook for reading and horizons math


:001_smile: I love these smilies by the way

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