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talk to me about history for first grade


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Right now we are using SOTW1 but I would like something a little more Christian, a little more workbooky???, I don't know. I have looked at Mystery of History and definately have that book marked for older years but that isn't appropriate for DD right now.


I think I found this board (which I love love love) and jumped on the entire WTM curricula which is not exactly what I wanted in the end. I have tried it all (all parts of it) and have slowely moved away as it was too dry for me and my teaching and dd's learning styles.


What else is out there? Thanks (for indulging my curricula hopping attitude for now :lol:)

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Something more Christian that is a bit more workbooky would probably be BJU or A Beka. We are going to use BJU for my first grade daughter this year after looking at all options. My daughter learns best with workbook style and lots of reading books to enhance the learning on her own.


I do not like how A Beka is set up at all...we used them for K social studies and I was highly disappointed. BJU is much better in my opinion. I am even creating a book list that correlates with each unit from BJU and I'd be happy to email what I have so far to you if that would interest you.


HOD (Heart of Dakota) is not workbooky. It is Charlotte Mason style....just a heads up.


My hope is when my daughter is older we can do something like Mystery of History as well, but for now I just like knowing I am covering it. :001_smile:

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I have looked at BJU and I like it for Bible (we use it currently) but I bought the science and didn't like it much, it felt disconnected. I do like the WTM timeline for science, it makes sense to me.


I looked at HOD, not really what I am looking for either....:confused:


I guess I want something following the WTM timeline, I like chronological order, but adding more Bible timeline into it KWIM...? Maybe there isn't even such a thing.


Has anyone done history for the grammar stages just using, reading, discussing books like Usborn History or Kingfisher's History of the world and checking more books out at the library on the subjects? (Which I know goes along with the SOTW theme which is where we are right now already)


Geez, I just need to get my undecisive pants off and stick to what we have for a whole year.

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I don't know that this is "a little more Christian, a little more workbooky" (probably not), but since you already have SOTW, maybe you'd like to use it along with History Odyssey. We are going to try Level One Ancients for 1st grade. You can "try before you buy" (the right side of the link below) and if you do buy you can find it at Rainbow Resource.



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Have you looked at the Veritas cards for History? They sound like they might be what you would like as a timeline in chronological order, using reading from things like Kingfisher. You could add as many books to read as you want using the veritas list or something like sonlights list.You wouldn't need the whole curriculum just the timeline card would give you back bone of your study and you can also use them to have your dc memorize a timeline. It wouldn't give you a workbook but they do have planning books that go along with them that I think do have worksheets maybe? I've never used them so I don't know. I also really like MFW, they have reading and student worksheets.

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