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Nancy Larson Science...has anyone seen it?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I had seen a few references to Nancy Larson Science in other posts I came across while researching BFSU and RSO. I really didn't find much detail so I contacted the company today. I spoke with someone who was extremely helpful.


This program truly seems to be open and go. All the materials (except for those which are truly household items) come in the kit. The lessons are scripted and refer you to the needed materials. I am currently using BFSU, and while I love the way it makes kids think and how it ties the different disciplines together, I find it time-consuming to implement. I have been assured that NLS does encourage kids to think and that kids will see how the different areas of science work together. Once I have it in my hands I will post more details.


If you would like more information, Madon Dailey is the homeschool manager for NLS. She can be reached at 505-424-8989 or via email madon.dailey@nancylarsonpublishers.com



dd 6, ds, 4 & dd2

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest betounes

Hi All,


I'm copying my reply to another thread which was discussing scripted curriculum. I figured since I was such a huge fan of NL Science, I'd post it here as well.

Last year I purchased Nancy Larson's Homeschool Science and absolutely loved it! (Nancy is also the author of Saxon K–4 Math.) Just like Saxon Math, the science program is completely scripted so there is no prep work involved. I'm no longer previewing stacks of library books or trying to re-explain a textbook. I don't even have to go to the store to buy the materials for the science projects—it is all included. It is completely hands-on and my 12-year old really absorbed the material. (And that is saying something. Normally all he is interested in are Legos and Star Wars!) We just completed Science 3 and one of the topics we covered was the periodic table. I can't tell you how glad I was that it was scripted.... It was easy, the conversation was natural, and I learned as much as he did.

It's designed to be used three times a week. If you do, the curriculum will last a full school year. Compared to a science textbook, it is a little more costly. But, as I said, all of the equipment is included. Our kit had beakers, posters, rock collections, reference books, etc. And it was much cheaper than running to stores and purchasing the items individually. The best part is that we actually DID science. Usually we just ended up reading about it! It takes us less than 50 minutes to read the material, do the bookwork and activity/experiment. Also, if you have more than one child, you can teach multiple children together. The material is based on age ranges, rather than grade level.

In regards to whether or not the material is faith-based or secular, I would call it secular. I, however, am a Christian, but the books do not "jump off into deep water." The information covered at this stage is not really controversial. It does a good job covering the material where both camps overlap, so to speak. I thought a scripted program would be "schoolish" and "stifling," but actually, it really freed me up. Here is her website if you are interested.


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