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I. Can't. Take it. Someone tell me. . . .

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It's going to be ok.


Give me a minute, would you?


Dh has been in and out of work for almost 3 years. Unemployment from last job ran out in Feb. Health insurance expires in 2 days, b/c we can't afford it anymore. He's working an hourly job at a local store, which we were thankful he got, even though it's only 1/2 of our monthly expenses.


Today, he tells me there's a new district manager. If he doesn't improve his performance (aka load boxes faster), he'll get replaced.


I think I might throw up.


In the meantime, the kids and I are KILLING ourselves teaching summer camps, finding piano/bassoon students (me) and teaching science classes to make ends meet. Or not meet, as the case may be.




This. Stinks. Royally.


I know God is sovereign, I know He loves us. I'm just worn out.

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Have you applied for public assistance? There's a very good chance you'll qualify at least for medicaid or CHIP for the kids and maybe for food stamps.


DH's job is absolutely horrible. We were actually hoping they'd fire him after they found out he reported them to ICE, because unemployment would be more than he's making there because of past employment. He's hoping to find a work study job on campus and cut back to just weekends at the craptastic restaurant, or maybe find somewhere, anywhere else to work weekends.


Meanwhile, I have discovered that working at Wal-Mart is not all bad.

Edited by Ravin
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We're living through the same thing. My hubby lost his job in January. Because he is self-employed, he doesn't get ANY unemployment benefits. Or health insurance coverage. We're scraping by on my medical transcription work, and I'm sick of it too. I want to throw in the towel, but my Scottish stubborness keeps telling me to "suck it up" and keep going. :grouphug: to you and everyone else who has a spouse out of work.


I miss going out to eat on Sundays, to give me a break from cooking all week. I miss being able to go to Walmart and pick up a few "extra things", just b/c we could afford it. I hate seeing my hubby lay around the house all day, alternating between being sleeping for long periods of time, surfing aimlessly on the TV, not getting projects done, etc.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry things are so rough right now. My grandfather used to say tough times like this are good for the character. Not all that wise or appreciated (:glare:) until one comes out good on the other end of it. Seasons...the ups and downs...poetry is even written about this sort of turbulent time. Things WILL eventually look up, and then they get even better than they were before. Hang in there. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I know how difficult it is when you are going through it. When we were going through an extended period of unemployment, I never though we'd be able to survive as long as we did. It was rough and well, it sucked. Now on the other side of it, we truly value all the small things. It's always amazing to look back on that time and see how we were taken care of. :grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug: We've just come through a very rough year health and life situation wise. It will get better, He will carry you through this too, just keep taking it to Him. "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh. 8:10). That's my mantra :).

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Heather: :grouphug: I am so sorry -- I know how difficult it is. My son in law is waiting on an answer tomorrow as to whether or not he will be hired (he has been out of work for two weeks) - they have no cash reserves, they spend every penny on rent and my dd's expenses due to her illness, and their rent is due Monday.

I will keep you in my prayers.

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:grouphug: We're in a similar, leaky boat. Dh has been out of work 10 months. We have 4 months of insurance left before we can't afford it anymore. There is no work, not even Walmart. I'm cleaning houses though and got another house today (hopefully, I interview on Saturday). It's just not cutting it though and I too, am so, so tired.

I had a little meltdown yesterday. The kids were screaming. The tv has been on almost nonstop since we finished up school a week ago. Dh is sitting there while I'm picking up our house before I go clean someone else's. (He's a great guy. It was first thing in the morning and I was already overwhelmed.) So, I cried at him. Then I drove to my cleaning job. It was a rare time that she wasn't home so I cried and cleaned for 3 hours. I felt better and I feel even better today.

Something's gotta give. That's what I keep saying to myself. It'll get better. It's just got to. Hang in there.

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