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Hours spent on homeschooling subjects...


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That is a link to a thread I posted for 6th grade plans for this upcoming school year.


Now, I'm needing.to.know how many hours do you spend on a subject....number of days. My response to this is on page 6 of the above thread, I think.


Quick answer:


Grammar and Math


EACH subject above could take 1 hour each (that's my instruction and my dd completing her lesson)


Is that normal...one hour for math and one hour for grammar?


Then, Science and History are worked on seperately from each other. Science in fall and History Jan-April/May. M-F 1 hour each day


Writing...average of 3 days a week completing activities and of course written papers: creative writing, book reports, research papers, and such.


IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE CORE classes and publishers, I'd like to supplement with a 2nd science, history and work science labs and history projects.


Where can I find the time?


Thanks. Sheryl <><

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IMO 6th grade simply takes a little longer than 5th. We finished 6th this year and spent about 30-45 minutes on math, 30 minutes on grammar.


It also depends on the program you are using. We used LOF math, which has fewer problems to work through, so it takes less time. It works well for my ds as he gets math and hates the redundancy of working multiple problems in the same set.


Grammar was Rod and Staff. We don't do a full grammar program every year, this upcoming year we will do a refresher year and grammar may only take 15 minutes per day.


Our class times average 30-45 minutes per subject. Sometimes we'll take an hour, but we don't have a real set schedule.


I don't know about the supplementing. There are only so many hours in the day, right? I know there are many things we don't get to that I would love to do, so I prioritize and usually something worthwhile gets shaved off the list.


We do have a read-aloud time at the beginning of our school day. Many times I'll add in a book I know we won't be able to truly study, but I want ds to be exposed to. You could do that with history or science titles and maybe pick the areas you want to focus on.

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Would you give me a break down of "time" per subject? Days and time spent? Here's a template to copy and paste...:lol: I'm looking desperate here, admittedly.


























Foreign Language


Anything else you can think of.

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Here's our schedule. We start our new year on Monday.

We have long days. :D


Math - 5 days: 2 hours per day

Latin - 5 days: 1.5 hours per day

Geography - 5 days: 30 minutes per day

Religion - 5 days: 30 minutes per day


English - 5 days: 1 hour per day

Composition - 5 days: 1 hour per day

American History - 3 days: 2 hours per day and 2 days: 1 hour per day

Ancient History - 3 days: 2 hours per day


French - 4 days: 30 minutes per day

Astronomy - 4 days: 1 hour per day

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Would you give me a break down of "time" per subject? Days and time spent? Here's a template to copy and paste...:lol: I'm looking desperate here, admittedly.


Grammar: 20-30 min (includes writing) 4X / wk


Math: 30-45 min 5X / wk


Science: 30-45 min 5x / xk


History: 30-45 (includes writing) 3-4x / wk


Writing/Composition: not a separate subject here. :-)


Spelling/Vocabulary: 15 min 4x / wk




Penmanship: 10 min 2X/wk


Health - included in science

Art - informal


Music - informal


Foreign Language: Latin 20-30 min


Anything else you can think of.


HTH! :001_smile:


ETA: I keep a shorter day of 3-4 hours. Long school days cause my kids to veg. after their schoolwork is finished, whereas short school days encourage independent projects, and productive activities.

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Latin - 5 days\ 30 minutes (+ 30 minutes on mon.) (3hrs. total)

Math - 5 days\ 60 minutes (5hrs. total)

Grammar - 5 days\ 30 minutes (2.5hrs. total)

Spelling - 3 days\ 15 minutes (.75hrs. total)

Poetry memorization - 3 days\ 15 minutes (.75hrs. total

History reading - 5 days\ 60 minutes (5hrs. total)

Science - 2 or 3 days\ 40 to 60 minutes (3hrs.total)

Reading - 4 days\ 30 minutes (2hrs. total)

Writing - this is incorporated into our other subjects.

Art - happens in every spare moment with this dd


I need to clarify that this dd does a lot of creative projects on her own time. Lots of art and cooking\baking, lapbooks about special interests. She only does about 4 to 4.5 hours of seatwork right now. In a couple of weeks we will be adding logic and a poetry analysis course in addition to an additional 30 minutes of history. So, at that time she will probably be doing about 5 to 5.5 hours a day so she will be at about 27.5 hours per week.

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Grammar--about 20mins daily on the days we did grammer

Math-- about an hour-- we do this subject daily

Science-- about 30-45 minutes-- we do this subject daily

History-- about 30-45 minutes we do this subject daily

Writing/Composition-- we do either writing or english- not both the same day- on our writing we do maybe 20-30minutes a day on the days we did it

Spelling/Vocabulary--she completed spelling so she spends maybe 10 minutes a day on vocabulary BUT I expect her to use the words of the day through out the day correctly also-- we do this subject daily


Bible--30-60 minutes a day- depending on how our discussions go! My dd is now a rising 7th grader though and we are changing what we are doing for Bible, so this will be adjusted for 7th-- we do this subject daily

Penmanship--she did not do this in 6th grade

Health--about 30 minutes 2 days a week (tuesday and thursday)

Art--we do not do seperate art, this is included with science, history and health projects-- as often as they came up

Music--we are starting this in 7th

Foreign Language--depends on the day- anywhere from 20 minutes an hour depending on what is all in the days lesson-- we do this subject daily


Anything else you can think of.

Geography- when my dd was in 6th grade I made my own continent studies, it would take her about 40 minutes 3 times a week (M,W,F) this year we are doing Trail Guides geography so I dont know how long it will take with a pre-made curriculum

Logic-- about 25minutes a day-- we did this subject daily

reading-- anywhere between 15-minutes to an hour, depending on the days lesson. If she wrote a book report or review, closer to an hour, if she was just doing some reading maybe 15 minutes.-- we did this subject daily

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Would you give me a break down of "time" per subject? Days and time spent? Here's a template to copy and paste...:lol: I'm looking desperate here, admittedly.


Grammar 15-30 minutes (we will rotate grammar 4x/week for 18 weeks)


Math 30-45 minutes 4x/week


Science ? maybe 45 minutes 4x/week (2nd semester)


History ? maybe 45 minutes 4x/week (1st semester)


Writing/Composition ?30 minutes 5x/week (writing is in different subject 2 x/week)


Spelling/Vocabulary 20 minutes (Megawords) 4x/week (18 weeks only, rotating with grammar)




Bible 30 minutes 2x/week for 18 weeks (2nd semester)


Penmanship not doing as a subject, is practiced in writing


Health not doing


Art 1 hour/week for 18 weeks (1st semester)


Music 1 hour/week for 18 weeks (2nd semester)


Foreign Language Latin 45min-1hour 5x/week all year. Japanese ? (undetermined on time) 2x/week


Anything else you can think of.


We also do Logic/ Philosophy first semester 2x/week for about 30 minutes each.

Read-alouds 30 minutes at beginning of school day 5x/week

his own reading 30 minutes/day 5x/week (usually done in evening)


Sometimes you just have to play with how your time is going to work. What works for one family may not work for another. Many times I'll do a few weeks of school and tweak the schedule. Many days we may get through a lesson sooner if we're focused, longer if we get distracted, run down a rabbit trail, or just aren't connecting that day.


Sometimes you just have to jump in and sort it out once you are in the midst of it all.

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Would you give me a break down of "time" per subject? Days and time spent? Here's a template to copy and paste...:lol: I'm looking desperate here, admittedly.


Grammar We use Analytical Grammar, so an hour a day during the "season" and then 15 minutes per day the rest of the year - 4 days per week.


Math 45 minutes per day, 5 days per week


Science One hour per day, two days per week.


History One hour per day, three days per week (plus additional reading time on his own.


Writing/Composition Incorporated into history and science.


Spelling/Vocabulary Fifteen minutes per day, 4 days per week.


Extras: Literature one hour per day, 5 days per week.


Bible 15 minutes per day, 5 days.

Penmanship NA


Health NA


Art One hour once a week

Music Thirty minutes once a week (appreciation) plus lots of guitar playing.


Foreign Language Latin 30 minutes per day, 4 days per week


Anything else you can think of.


ETA: We'll also be doing Logic, 4 times a week for 30 minutes a day.


We work on a loop, so these times are just estimates. In reality the subjects take however long they take.

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THANK YOU! Thanks so much...this is very helpful to me. I will print this off. Is there an easy way to do that?


I was thinking that we should still get through school fast as my 11 yo dd is an only child. Here I am thinking we can get through from 8-1, that's with a 10 min break around 10 am and 45 min for lunch...so subtract 1 hour. From all the responses, it seems that I'm pretty much in line offering what y'all are offering...just a couple differences, but not major ones. However, it looks like y'all are spending longer on your child's school. Is that b/c you have more than one? Should I expect to spend upwards to that 5-6 hour mark for 1 child?

Your suggestions would be appreciated once again on that. ;)


Waiting for your responses.


Be Blessed!

Sheryl <><

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THANK YOU! Thanks so much...this is very helpful to me. I will print this off. Is there an easy way to do that?


I was thinking that we should still get through school fast as my 11 yo dd is an only child. Here I am thinking we can get through from 8-1, that's with a 10 min break around 10 am and 45 min for lunch...so subtract 1 hour. From all the responses, it seems that I'm pretty much in line offering what y'all are offering...just a couple differences, but not major ones. However, it looks like y'all are spending longer on your child's school. Is that b/c you have more than one? Should I expect to spend upwards to that 5-6 hour mark for 1 child?

Your suggestions would be appreciated once again on that. ;)


Waiting for your responses.


Be Blessed!

Sheryl <><


I have one child and in 6th we spent 4-5 hours, five hour being the optimal.


What I've found from homeschooling an only for 6 years is that sometimes you get that mother/child language going on. I'm just waking up so I'll try to see if this makes sense. It's like an unspoken way of communicating, I can read his body language, I know what a gesture means. It's almost sub-conscious. When we get into that groove things take less time. That's why something on a schedule for an hour may only take 45 minutes. I've learned how to teach to his language. For instance, if the grammar example in the book confuses him, I can pull from another example that he will understand or reword the teaching into words I know he'll relate to.


It's not like a teacher in a classroom who wouldn't know what that sigh from my child means and she would have to ask questions. They would have to learn that child's personality and such because a teaching connection might be made.


Teaching an only is a blessing.

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Would you give me a break down of "time" per subject? Days and time spent? Here's a template to copy and paste...:lol: I'm looking desperate here, admittedly.


Grammar M-F 1 hour


Math M-F 1 hour


Science (1st semester) M-F 1 hour maybe 1.25 hours


History (2nd semester) M-F 1 hour maybe 1.25 hours


Writing/Composition 3 days/wk 45 min


Spelling/Vocabulary M-F 15-30 min



Bible M-F 15 min


Penmanship 2 days/wk. 15 min


Health (month of May) worked in


Art 1 day wk, maybe more as it's worked in to others


Music violin lesson 1 day/wk, practice 3 days 10-15 min


Foreign Language Not doing this right now!


Mini Extras: In car or as filler, extra practice I'll have her complete 1 page of wordsmith and similar books.

Anything else you can think of?? Should we be doing Logic....see that coming up at this age quite a bit?

Add? Remove? Substitue?

This is looking more manageable. I've been trying to finish at 12 each day and we just.can't.do.it. I've created unnecessary stress on my dd and myself. So, we'll start at 7:30-8:00 and work to 11:30-12:00. That is 4 hours. Actually 3.75 as I'll give her a pick me up break (snack/bathroom) for 15 min anywhere b/t 9:30-10:30 as her body dictates. :D Lunch 45 min. Start again "around" 12:30 give or take depending on the time "flow" above and school for another 60-90 min. to 1:30-2:00. Some days may be longer and others shorter. The above is about 4 3/4 hours - 5 1/4 hours. Is this good? Sheryl <><

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