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One Year Adventure Novel


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Has anybody used this?


I'm looking at getting it for my dd. We may want to use it in our newly forming co-op, but we are undecided at this point. The whole "license" to use the program is bugging me a bit.


Any feedback would be appreciated. I would not be too happy to drop $200 on a product and then find out it isn't that great!


(I think I need to cross post this on the HS board too.) My dd is in the 7th grade though.

Edited by my2kidsmom
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Sorry - I cannot help you except to say that my dd really wants this!!! She is working on a couple short novels of her own and this totally is on her radar.

Howver, I decided that we won't consider it til high school - it counts as a high school English credit - so no way are we paying that kind of money for one child and not getting a credit!!

You can reuse it within your own family but that is it. I have gotten used to the concept, as we use Tapestry of Grace digital. But I totally understand your point.

Edited by half-dozenroses
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